Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Queen 's finally began to play in the final quarter , but had only a consolation try from Ireland A out-half Davy Humphreys right on full-time to show for their efforts .
2 I thanked him for his help , assured him that we would begin to go through the proper channels tomorrow , and said good-night .
3 Because the embryos begin to swim at the blastula stage they must be trapped in a nylon net to keep them still , the square holes providing micro-aquaria through which sea water is slowly passed .
4 Moscovitch found support for his proposition in the fact that split-brain patients sometimes begin to write with the left hand what is clearly a correct response to a stimulus seen in the left visual field , but that then the left hemisphere takes over control and the response is finished incorrectly since the left half of the brain has not seen the stimulus ( Levy , Mebes and Sperry , 1971 ) .
5 Do n't torture yourself with feelings of inadequacy because you ca n't even begin to guess at the correct pronunciation of Abhainn Coire Mhic Nobuil .
6 From the moment you accept a place at the University of Edinburgh you begin to benefit from the extensive range of services provided by the Students ' Association .
7 This could explain why some babies only have colic in the evening , when the morning feed reaches the intestines and the bacteria that live there begin to feed on the undigested lactose .
8 Now , however , I have grave misgivings as we begin to hear from the European Community more and more talk about a federal Europe and closer political integration .
9 And already the thin strands of cloud , the outer rings of the immense , whirling storm , begin to drift over the southern islands — Po Toi , Sung Kong , Waglan Island , the Ninepins — and the wind and the waves begin to bustle about in the harbours .
10 However , if you pursue the associations and begin to delve into the latent content , what you often find is that those day 's residues , which are specific to that day , as Theresa was saying , relate to more general erm situations , or indeed to things that actually happened in the past which that particular aspect of that particular day might remind you of .
11 From time to time one or another would begin to scrape in the gravelly bank , or venture a little way in among the trees and nut-bushes to scuffle in the leaf-mould .
12 Given a low-cost product which can do so much so quickly it was a inevitable that its use would begin to spread from the professional graphics market — for which it was predominantly designed — to the office market .
13 It may also bring to a head a number of crucial questions about spreading priorities — for example , defence versus social security spending — when the oil revenues begin to decline over the coming years .
14 For the first few days the hands and feet become too sore to practise with , but in time they become sufficiently conditioned to withstand the constant impact and calluses begin to develop in the key areas .
15 In previous studies on the morphogenesis of colonic adenomas in FAP cases using a complete serial sectioning technique , we found that adenomas begin to develop in the proliferative compartment of the lower crypts in the form of atypical epithelial clusters , ‘ buds of ademoa ’ .
16 At the second attempt she made the connection and heard the telephone begin to ring at the other end .
17 Under that system , which we will begin to have under the Labour Government , we would not have to worry about dispensing public funds to private solicitors .
18 So , in a paper written to commemorate the life and work of Danny Lehrman , whose critical interest in ethology and psychiatry had been considerable , I argued pessimistically ( Crook 1977 a ) that an understanding of the primate behaviour I had been reviewing ‘ provides no more than a kind of educational backcloth — a reference literature for university courses on human evolution and that it can not begin to touch upon the existential issues that are the central focus of living human relations .
19 She began to go through the whole thing in her prayer and then realized that God of course would know anyway , so she simply asked if it could be that Timothy Gedge was possessed by devils .
20 But after a while she wanted a change from her routine and began to go on the weekly trips regularly .
21 Commercial Union began to cope with the temporary loss of its headquarters building by making the maximum use of available space elsewhere .
22 And he began to connect to the nascent counter-culture , visiting Pete Brown 's home in Oppidans Road , Primrose Hill .
23 On the way home from school that afternoon she began to mull over the various possibilities , and when at last the germ of a brilliant idea hit her , she began to expand on it and lay her plans with the same kind of care the Duke of Wellington had done before the Battle of Waterloo .
24 After the first oil shock in 1973 , demand for steel began to fall in the industrial countries .
25 In the early 1950s he used his creation to improve the size of the Aberdeen Angus and began to outcross with the red Beevbilde to produce a new breed of black beef cattle which combined Angus quality with the Lincoln 's fast weight gains .
26 As he spoke a dark pool of blood began to gather under the luxuriant mane of Harriet 's auburn hair which had escaped from the loosened snood and spread slowly over the ground .
27 The fighting groups overbalanced into the shallower water and continued struggling there , ignoring the arrows beginning to fall from the following ships of the line , swinging up , oars flashing to fill the breadth of the river .
28 THE green shoots of recovery are beginning to sprout in the Black Country .
29 Across on Platform 2 , the train from Paddington was just pulling in ; and passengers were already beginning to stream across the new pedestrian bridge as Morse and Lewis first ascended , then descended the steps , darting challenging looks around them as they dodged their way through the bustling contra-flow .
30 One further return to Carolingian precedent occurred at the very end of Louis VII 's reign , when coinage from the king 's mints and bearing his image began to circulate outside the royal demesne for the first time since the late ninth century .
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