Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was about half-way across when I felt the rear begin to swing sideways under the weight of the torrent .
2 As the Bristol teams , and others who may build on their examples , move forward in their research and their care for families , we can begin to look forward to a time when the tragedy of loss and anguish faced by famous people like Anne Diamond and Julie Walters , and thousands of other ordinary everyday people , may become a thing of the past .
3 He breathed a sigh of relief as he heard Corbett begin to play gently on the lute he always carried , a sign his master was content , reflecting on his own secret thoughts and not keeping a wary eye on him .
4 Individual chats by the coronary nurse and by the physiotherapists in the coronary unit can be supplemented by educational videos , so that the patients can begin to understand more about the nature of the condition .
5 Only as we begin to respond personally to the text 's content and open ourselves to its message ( irrespective of whether the consequence of this is an acceptance , modification , or rejection of it ) do we go beyond a mere decoding or perception of the words and begin to perceive meanings .
6 The cells of the future lens actively elongate and then begin to fold inwards towards the eye , in a manner not unlike the early formation of the gut in sea-urchins .
7 His quiet rage about the papers , and the idiots who paid good money for them , grew more intense as he began to grind away in a job as a research assistant at the Financial Times .
8 His hat tipped off and began to bowl away in the wind .
9 He began to search irritably for the key .
10 Soon , though , lava began to flow freely from the fissure , quite quietly and in much greater volumes than in the first phase .
11 It was noted in the Faroes ( where the oystercatcher is the national bird ) , in Scotland , where the birds began to penetrate inland up the river valleys , and in Shetland , where they forsook the shingle beaches and moved to fields and even up on the heather hills .
12 The universal availability of the mass media has been rapidly achieved through relatively cheap transistor radios , cassette recorders and televisions , which now totally penetrate the First World , almost totally penetrate the urban Second and Third Worlds , and are beginning to penetrate deeply into the countryside in every country .
13 Professional advice was important to the MPs fighting the Representation of the People Bill and National Union committees began to meet again at every level to discuss the Bill 's consequences for the party .
14 Dumping her bags in the bedroom , she sat down at the kitchen table and began to sift lethargically through the pile of accumulated mail , from time to time eyeing the phone in the hall .
15 The three of them began to creep slowly down the hill , moving from tree to tree , but no more than a few yards at a time .
16 The Requalification team began to work closely with the co-ordinator and the authors , identifying the criteria to be achieved and monitoring and assisting with the progress documents .
17 One hacker 's wife remarked : ‘ The whole thing started when he began to work late at the office , and I began to think that there was another woman .
18 His health began to deteriorate seriously towards the end of 1826 and he died at South Bank 17 February 1827 .
19 Unemployment , which fell from 9.3 per cent in 1989 to 8.8 per cent in 1990 , also began to increase again in a country still suffering from long-term unemployment and labour immobility .
20 By the 1940s and 1950s the Red Poll was one of Britain 's major breeds but , in the rush to set up new herds , breeding standards began to slip badly on the farm , while at the same time the invading Friesian , fed on concentrates , considerably outyielded the breed and by the early 1960s its popularity had tumbled .
21 To keep their jobs , employees and managers began to pull together as a team .
22 Claims that English in education could offer some more or less democratic alternative to popular culture began to appear immediately after the war .
23 Having subdued the home team 's initial pressure Newcastle began to come more into the game and took the lead after 16 minutes with an excellent goal from their leading scorer Peacock .
24 Once Gloucester was established in the south of County Durham , his influence began to reach further into the bishopric .
25 Once Gloucester was established in the south of County Durham , his influence began to reach further into the bishopric .
26 Then it moved closer and began to scratch frantically at the foot of the bin .
27 Now she stood up and began to march restlessly round the room , swinging her long gun by its handle .
28 Everyone began to listen carefully to the news bulletins on the wireless and to buy newspapers as soon as they were printed , yet people found it hard to believe that war could really happen .
29 The other began to talk rapidly into the hand mike of the car radio .
30 He began to walk away from the burial ground , his heart surging with excitement .
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