Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Levels of enquiries are beginning to show some early signs of improvement , but any benefit from this will not begin to flow through until the second quarter of 1993 at the earliest .
2 Another type of chart helps parents begin to stand back from the emotional reactions they have and see what is happening with their child .
3 These ideas are plausible as far as they go , but I find that they do not begin to square up to the formidable challenge of explaining culture , cultural evolution , and the immense differences between human cultures around the world , from the utter selfishness of the Ik of Uganda , as described by Colin Turnbull , to the gentle altruism of Margaret Mead 's Arapesh .
4 The watching Masai begin to walk away after a long , contemplative moment .
5 First , the European Parliament , supported by the Netherlands , wished to acquire more substantial powers for itself , especially over the EEC budget , and so begin to look more like a genuine legislature .
6 Lights began to go on in the dark houses , and I relished my melancholy to the last drop .
7 My standing with Harold Wilson began to go downhill in the 1970s , not on personal grounds but because of what might be described as political differences .
8 It was only when he was confronted by God , broken and forced to give up his pride , that he began to see clearly for the first time the vast difference between living a self-directed life and living for God .
9 From about 1883 , when Field-Marshal von Waldersee , the chief of the general staff , developed an active interest in foreign policy , they began to report directly to the general staff and , encouraged by Waldersee , to the emperor himself .
10 Furthermore , the graph on page 44 shows that homelessness has become an ever-increasing feature of the Tory years , Homelessness began to hit home in a big way when the property-owning democracy started suffering at the hands of the repo-man .
11 On his dignity , Kenamun was beginning to sound increasingly like the petty official made good which he was at heart .
12 The United States continued with its permissive monetary policies and dollar outflows began to mount again in the second half of 1972 .
13 Furthermore , in November 1970 , following the ‘ Davignon Report ’ , the foreign ministers of the Six began to meet together in a European Political Co-operation body .
14 The Irish had first come to Lancashire in significant numbers in the middle years of the eighteenth century , and their ranks began to swell considerably after the 1846 potato famine .
15 For the first time in the saga of occupation and exodus , the organisational skills of the Red Cross began to succumb yesterday to the sheer magnitude of the task facing it .
16 Faced with this unprecedented , unique and , above all , fearsomely complex challenge , the West is just beginning to come up with an unprecedented , unique , and also fearsomely complex response .
17 As she lifted it out , she realized that the backing was beginning to come away from the heavy cream cardboard of the mount .
18 David Atkinson , an analyst at Goldman Sachs in Tokyo , notes that the banks ' operating profitability began to deteriorate again in the second half of the last fiscal year .
19 In truth , Cabernet is beginning to creep in by the back door .
20 Parishes were able to cope with their pauper problem until England 's population began to soar dramatically during the second half of the eighteenth century .
21 A maid jumped and began to scream shrilly on the same note as her mistress .
22 Britain began to slip badly as a competitive producer of films , and the national market was increasingly ceded to imports from France and America .
23 At Charing Cross the boatman began to pull in as the deep bend in the river became more pronounced .
24 Accordingly , when power-looms worked by women began to appear early in the nineteenth century it " set women against women , especially young women working in the shops or mills against older married women working at home " .
25 Colour began to come back into the young woman 's cheeks .
26 Although this was the grandest , Bering 's voyage of discovery was only one of many scientific expeditions in the eighteenth century , and through the efforts of government-sponsored explorers and private entrepreneurs — the latter seeking not so much scientific information as further killing grounds in the pursuit of the lucrative sea otter — Russia 's political and commercial power began to reach out beyond the Siberian landmass across the northern Pacific , taking in the Aleutian and Kuril Islands , Russian America ( the present Alaska ) , as well as establishing trading settlements down the western coast of America , and even making a short-lived foray into the Hawaiian archipelago .
27 Class divisions hitherto non-existent or only latent in English society were beginning to open up as the Agrarian and Industrial Revolutions gained momentum , and popular unrest was in the air .
28 After all , he had managed to dismantle the magical aspects of my eidesis and now he began to chew away at the very grist of what he termed my ‘ delusionary apparatus ’ .
29 The debate is a profound one and it is only just beginning to reach out to a wider audience .
30 When the bloody offal was slapped onto the concrete path before it , the cat hesitated only briefly before running towards this welcome offering , and beginning to chew greedily at the soft , tasty guts .
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