Example sentences of "begin [verb] for the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I begin to appreciate for the first time , as I stand here on the outside looking in , how very reserved is the world in which we work .
2 And as the embarrassing minutes ticked away I began to realize for the first time the enormity of the problem which confronted Mrs Rumney .
3 In 1828 he began to write for the fledgling Record newspaper and subsequently became its chief proprietor and the dominant influence on editorial policy for half a century .
4 German units were now leaving Sicily in a steady trickle as the Luftwaffe began regrouping for the forthcoming attack on Russia .
5 Labourers began to scramble for the available employment ; unemployment increased ; while labourers still continued to anticipate marriage .
6 [ he ] … began to understand for the first time just how much there was in this business of being a ship 's officer .
7 The train was beginning to slow for the next station .
8 The champagne reception — at which Kylie began to demonstrate for the first time a new found confidence with both press and public — also gave them the perfect opportunity to milk their golden child 's latest achievement , three UK gold discs for ‘ Kylie ’ the LP , and the singles ‘ I Should Be So Lucky ’ and ‘ Got To Be Certain ’ .
9 Harry 's expression began to relax for the first time in Nicholas 's company .
10 As the sopranos of the WI soared off into the upper atmosphere he began to feel for the first time that this Christmas had meaning .
11 From the time of the Anschluss in March 1938 , until the outbreak of war in September 1939 , hopes of peace gradually faded and we began to prepare for the grim reality .
12 Characters such as broader incisors and enlarged maxillary sinuses are the only characters apart from the premaxillary/incisive complex ( see character 4 ) that Begun designates for the hominine clade , but I would interpret these as basal hominid characters ( node 2 on the cladogram in box 1 ) , not diagnostic of the hominine clade .
13 Launching International Literacy Year 1990 , UNESCO Director General said that the absolute number of illiterates had begun to decline for the first time in history .
14 Joseph 's melancholy had begun to evaporate for the first time since leaving the hunting camp as the goateed mandarin , walking ponderously beside him in ceremonial boots , reeled off the mystical-sounding names of the shimmering buildings : the Can-Chanh , the Great Mansion the Palace of the Spirits of the Six Emperors … the Temple of Generations … the Halls of the Splendours and the Moon and the Glory of the Sun — and most mysterious of all to his young impressionable mind , the guarded heart of the citadel , the Tu Cam Thanh , the Purple Forbidden City named after the Purple or Pole Star , the symbolic ruler of the heavens .
15 The opposite was true in his perception and so it was necessary to work with this widower helping him say out loud the things that he wanted to say to his wife — all the uncomplimentary and difficult things — and then , having done that , to begin grieving for the lost relationship .
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