Example sentences of "bring up [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rents needed to be brought up to a realistic level , housing stock modernized , particularly in some of the rundown areas of Kennington , and surplus sold off , without souring relations with his tenants .
2 Tamar had been brought up on a tenanted farm and was sensitive to the diffidence felt when an approach to the landowner was necessary .
3 Brought up on a tough council estate in Liverpool , Rachel — half English and half Indian — never knew her parents and lived with her grandparents in Speke .
4 Even a computer-literate user brought up on a different type of mainframe may find the nested screens in CMS and the XEDIT editor offputting at first .
5 McIlvanney was born in 1934 , and was brought up on a public housing estate in Kilmarnock , Ayrshire , in what he himself calls ‘ a left-wing family ’ .
6 He 'd been brought up on a steady diet of blood , sweat and tears and Douglas Bader .
7 But such paradoxes were unlikely to convince businessmen brought up on the economic theory of the ‘ wage-fund ’ , which they believed to be a scientific demonstration that raising wages was impossible and trade unions were therefore doomed to failure .
8 As young children , Peter and his sister Norah , were brought up with a strong emphasis on Ukrainian culture .
9 He wrote to Rohde in 1868 , encouraging his friend to follow suit : " we must do it simply because we can not do anything else … [ but ] … for our part let us see to it that young philologists are brought up with the necessary scepticism , free from pedantry and the over-valuation of their profession , and behave as genuine promoters of humanistic studies .
10 Two suitably romantic leaders , who escaped in time , now emerged , the 26-year-old third Earl of Derwentwater , a grandson of Charles II by one of his mistresses , who had been brought up with the Old Pretender at St Germain , and become a major landowner in Westmorland , and Thomas Forster , an MP for Northumberland .
11 Oh I do , I do and my mates is on er , of course they 've been brought up with the metric system you see and he 's
12 They were being brought up with the same affection the Sheikha gave her own daughter .
13 Oswald had been brought up as a Christian prince in Celtic lands from the age of 12 , so it was perhaps natural for him to look to an Irish religious foundation for ecclesiastical and spiritual direction , and it may be that these overtures to Iona also reflect a dependence on Dalriadic military support at the time of his accession .
14 Steve was brought up as a strict Baptist .
15 ‘ I was brought up as an extreme Conservative with strong Imperialistic ideas , ’ he told his interrogators in 1945 .
16 The application was duly made , the proceedings were brought up into the High Court , and on 27 January 1992 the Official Solicitor was appointed guardian ad litem of the four children who , together with the mother and the local authority , were respondents to the foster mother 's application .
17 Lord Mayor , I 've only been brought up under the National Health Service for thirty two years and I feel sorry for that poor doctor .
18 Yet , like so many others brought up through an older tradition , I was only indirectly aware of their nature , or even of their existence .
19 She implored : ‘ If the immediate family breaks up the problems created can still be resolved but only if the children have been brought up from the very start with the feeling that they are wanted , loved and valued . ’
20 But I was brought up in a Catholic Home you see .
21 The company of women was by no means disagreeable — he had , after all , been brought up in a similar household — and the Mirrlees family provided him with the kind of comfort and security which his life otherwise lacked .
22 Is the child accepted or rejected , brought up in a tolerant atmosphere ?
23 ‘ My mother was an innocent young country lass , born and brought up in a tiny village in the far north of Scotland .
24 ‘ Well , I 've been brought up in a good school these last few years , do n't you think ?
25 Perhaps I take a special pleasure in Cold Comfort Farm from the fact that I was myself brought up in a rural setting , surrounded by wild-eyed manic depressives of the Starkadder school , while I was reading the works of D.H.Lawrence and F.R.Leavis , whose loam-laden versions of country life did n't quite chime with mine .
26 In both cases , the girls would have been brought up in a genteel atmosphere , although they might originally have come from very poor families .
27 Brought up in a Nonconformist household , he remained deeply religious .
28 Success in education has come largely through a process of social indoctrination ; if the young person has been brought up in a supportive home which was valued education and encouraged the youngster to stick at the work in order to pass through the hoops which lead to higher education and the professional occupations , the young person has very often done well at school .
29 And remember I was being brought up in a non-drinking household .
30 In March 1939 the CRREC claimed that ‘ Not only are Jewish children with no particular religious affiliation being placed in non Jewish homes and schools , utterly abandoned as far as their religious education is concerned , but even children who have been brought up in a religious atmosphere … are being callously placed in non Jewish schools and homes , where they suffer mental torture which , in at least one case , has brought the child to the verge of a nervous breakdown . ’
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