Example sentences of "bring [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This drably official account of the matter was not welcomed by the media of the day , who looked for more exciting explanations , such as a double suicide brought on by the well-known English affliction of ‘ spleen ’ , or a murder of Mrs Pattison by Mr following his discovery that she was pregnant by a young ‘ Milord ’ .
2 Yes , and an astute decision by Milton 's manager , Keith Stocks , saw substitute Brian Marlan brought on in the sixty eighth minute and two minutes later he was all smiles as he headed home Nigel Mott 's cross to break the deadlock .
3 Otherwise the tt building will have deemed to not comply to B one of the building regulations which I do n't want to go into too much detail but basically what it is that with effect from nineteen ninety one the smoke alarm smoke detector bill came into er operation and it was brought in into the nineteen ninety two building regulations when they were amended from the nineteen eighty five regulations that states now any new build homes shall have and be fitted with a mains operated , with battery backup , smoke detection system .
4 One of the one of the difficulties is that that that theatres up and down the country have faced over the last two years of the new target that were brought in with the eighty eight education act where schools were not allowed to make a charge it could only be a voluntary contribution now the council of Great Britain have looked at this it 's a problem cos of this decimated schools audiences .
5 Both players were brought in for the last six weeks of the season as McHale began to look ahead to next season when the Seasiders hope to mount a serious promotion push .
6 The delay necessitated going back to the trough for a third-round of venture capital after going through the $12m brought in by the first two rounds .
7 It will be interesting to see whether Japanese management practices likely to be brought in by the new top management will work in an environment where aggressive individual success , rather than collaborative teamwork has been the norm .
8 With his skill as the basis , the Embalmer will not be content unless all other departments with which he has contact are brought up to the highest possible standard .
9 MP Jim Wallace made his appeal for such an inquiry on the floor of the House of Commons ; and when the topic was brought up at the Scottish Liberal Democrats Conference , he was supported by Judy Steel , wife of the former leader of the Liberal Party , and herself one of the first ever Reporters to a Children 's Panel when the system began in 1971 .
10 In addition to having worked in Germany and the USSR , and lived for some time before the war in France , I was brought up for the first five years of my life in India in a native state where I was the only white child .
11 Most of us who are brought up in the Western Christian tradition take the divinity of Jesus for granted or regard it as a philosophical problem .
12 However , it is all too easy for those brought up in the Near Eastern traditions , when they hear Hindus talking of many gods , to suppose that they are talking of what they consider to be the supreme reality .
13 However , the effect of experience on temperament is still limited by the horse 's genetic traits — for example , if both the naturally placid horse and the naturally nervous horse were brought up in the same rough environment , then the placid horse would still be less timid than the nervous one .
14 Er children are n't brought up in the same maternal way as they are in in this country , and many other countries .
15 Thomas cannulas were then inserted into the duodenum , opposite the biliary papilla , and in a dependent part of the stomach and brought out through the anterior abdominal wall .
16 The accidental factor , that belonged to the past , was the leadership of the aristocracy : in the later nineteenth century the sans culottes of Madrid streets could not be brought out by the traditional symbiotic relationship of aristocratic employers and plebeian clientele .
17 During the Second World War a similar problem arose with regard to the publication of Alexander Ratcliffe 's Truth about the Jews , brought out by the British Protestant League .
18 The Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto in his book , The Other Path , argues that such change can be brought about in the Latin American context by legalizing the informals .
19 The civil rights initiative was put in the context of a changed situation brought about by the Anglo-Irish Free Trade Agreement and the moves to join the EEC .
20 Larrain 's first point is that Marx approaches the concept of ideology on the basis of the contradictory character of social reality ‘ which is brought about by the restricted productive forces and the division of labour ’ ( Larrain 1979 : 45 ) .
21 One is the change in product mix brought about by the changing relative price of products which have had microelectronics incorporated into them .
22 Had the changes brought about by the 1980 Social Security Act not taken place , the maximum payment in 1981 would have been £19.25 .
23 Administrative reforms brought about by the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act merely consolidated the already established authority in West Ham .
24 The differential staining reflects a different response to chromatin uncoiling brought about by the extended hypotonic treatment ( Table 7 ) .
25 By this time , Alex , a Wilton Weaver to trade , had also qualified in Gripper Axminster — an unusual combination in those days brought about by the unexpected shut down of Wilton manufacturing during 1951/1952 .
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