Example sentences of "bring [adv] the [adj] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , the short lives of all those babies and children will have a great effect in bringing down the average figure as even the least mathematical of us will be able to understand .
2 Whenever universities hand out degrees on the basis of who will bring in the best publicity and therefore the biggest cheques , they dishonour their own honours system .
3 LABOUR MP Dennis Skinner believes three things will bring down the Royal Family and turn Britain into a republic — tax , television and history .
4 Disability Living Allowance will bring together the existing Attendance and Mobility Allowance , providing new help to many disabled people who at present get no such help .
5 These examples should bring home the great difference that there is for Moore between intrinsic good and bad and anything of the nature of pleasure or pain .
6 Even if , to the youth , ‘ living was more important than education ’ , engaging in competitive sport can bring home the new realization that achieving results in education can be important to living .
7 This is an over-simple account , but it does bring out the essential point that , at some stage , substances have to be transported across a membrane against a concentration gradient .
8 Work out what you want to know , write down the approximate question you think will bring out the right answer and then in a third column put a percentage to represent how much the answer equates with what you would like to hear .
9 It must for example , ensure an independent judiciary , provide health and education services , basic infrastructure and maintenance and it must bring about the economic environment that allows the private sector to create jobs and growth .
10 The chances are that a management , such as described by Menninger or by myself , who take up a ‘ fight ’ /conflict posture vis-à-vis their workers , thus bring out the latent hostility and anger and push the worker , and themselves , into the rebellious position .
11 The Government brought in the new law after inspectors found that 97 per cent of ‘ pints ’ contained less .
12 These points generally apply equally whether the action is brought in the High Court or county court .
13 Those circumstances had brought about the capitalist system and had also created the concepts on which it was based .
14 Fitt brought down the Labour Government because Labour had increased Northern Ireland 's representation at Westminster from 12 to 17 seats .
15 The treaty was eventually ratified but the crisis brought down the Kishi government and produced the most widespread political protests of the postwar years .
16 Strand two brought in the Irish government and strand three was to be between the UK and Irish governments .
17 One night she brought in the usual cocoa and watched while Dad removed a splinter from my palm Dad looked up and caught her grinning .
18 Indeed , it was a subject which Alison Nicholas and Laura Davies brought up the following week as they watched Ian Woosnam going for his putts in the World Cup at the nearby Grand Cypress Resort .
19 One general outcome of the comparison between the original and the reconstructions is that it brought out the very blandness and the almost self-conscious " flatness ' of Hemingway 's style .
20 There are those who argue that it was the desperate attempts made by the Soviets in the last decade and a half to match the US , especially in Star Wars research and development , which brought about the economic collapse that dismantled the communist monolith .
21 Most of the voluntary organisations considered it their duty to inculcate a proper sense of shame in their charges , until World War II brought about the first intimation that unmarried mothers were beginning to avoid the hostels run by charitable institutions for that very reason .
22 If they were satisfied that it was truly a consequence of dishonesty which brought about the further charge and there was , in substance , no difference between that and the first charge , plainly there had been an abuse of process .
23 Her latest film Romuald et Juliette is about the extraordinary goings-on in a yoghurt manufacturing company which brings together the white boss and the Black night-cleaner who saves his bacon .
24 But it has taken the extraordinary campaign of the Natural Law Party to bring home the sheer size and wealth of the movement , 25 years after it first made headlines .
25 which brings up the main point and that is we have got to make sure that those people who are nominated or delegated within the terms of the contract , are people who have the knowledge and experience
26 Cooking in a special oven designed to bring out the true aroma and texture of the biscuits
27 We have assumed that the product market provides very little by way of constraint in this case in order to bring out the important point that comparisons should be like-with-like .
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