Example sentences of "bring [prep] [pers pn] the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 With a sigh she knew that in the morning when the people returned they would bring with them the rivalries and ill-feeling that had spoiled everything .
2 that it can not be assumed that a paper print out of an electronic record from these systems is the same as the electronic version , on the grounds that the paper version does not bring with it the context that gives the information provenance and credibility .
3 His chest heaving , he collapsed against her , the breath driven from his body , his heart thrashing against his ribs , and then slowly awareness returned , seeping into his dazed mind like ice-water , bring with it the pain and an overwhelming sense of self-loathing and disgust .
4 The kiss was a fierce , stormy possession , making her head swim and bringing with it the realisation that it would take no effort at all to become seriously attracted to this man !
5 But if anything , the rate may already be too high , bringing with it the danger that it will not only remove excess demand , but push the economy into recession .
6 The sharpest contrast is with migrants who have brought with them the expectation that sons will bring their wives into the homes of their parents , where in some sense the wives will be under the authority of their mothers-in-law .
7 Over recent years , the study of the fire problem involved in high-bay ( high-racked ) warehouses has provoked much thought and discussion , and has brought with it the realisation that there are many factors to be considered in determining the correct solution to adopt .
8 This brings with it the corollary that it is not always apparent whether the beliefs he expresses are Ackroyd 's or those of the writer to whom he is exposed , or both .
9 So the claim that there can be more than one legitimate interest brings with it the corollary that explanation can be underpinned by more than one set of norms .
10 The threat of liquidation by " shareholders ' is far more potent than in other forms , and it brings with it the threat that management will have no assets to manage .
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