Example sentences of "turn [pron] [noun sg] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , when government and international planning agencies have turned their attention to the specific problem of " development for women " , it has been almost exclusively in terms of population control .
2 He had had little to say to her since then , having turned his attention to the red-headed horsewoman she had today identified , from the servants ' gossip at the back of the church , as Mrs Covington-Pym She wondered what he could have to say to her now , not expecting it to be pleasant .
3 Still suffering occasional wooziness from the altitude , I sat on the steps , turned my face to the warm sun and was subjected to my first unsuccessful robbery : two little nicks in the zip pocket of my top .
4 Encouraged by the finding of this tiny coin , I turned my attention to the second side of the pond and began the same operation along its full length .
5 ‘ I 'm not a mind-reader , ’ she said eventually , then with a defensive jerk of the head she slipped the catch before he could reply and was suddenly free , breathing in the cold , clear air , turning her face to the rising sun , wishing he would release her from the spell that still ensnared her .
6 He was dead , and she drew the sheet over his face before turning her attention to the next .
7 Having made such a set at London and subdued any important resistance on the continent the Germans turned their attention to the total destruction of Britain .
8 The native denizens of the no-man's-land they called Lothian , between the Firth of Forth and Northumberland , then turned their attention to the six figures walking behind Macbeth of Alba , but , except for Bishop Malduin , who was easy to recognise because of his embroidered robes and his doubtful expression , the three middle-aged men and the two young ones were unfamiliar .
9 Then they all turned their attention to the real work of the day .
10 The local papers turned their attention to the German invasion of Belgium and the problems of recruiting while the Board of Education closed its file on the case without any apparent resolution .
11 Languidly she turned her head to the west-facing windows , staring out at the neighbouring mountain high above the hill upon which Saracen was built .
12 In a desperate attempt to concentrate , and ignore David who had followed her , she turned her attention to the burly shop-floor worker who awaited her .
13 Agnes turned her attention to the young customers again , saying , ‘ Well , that 's a penny gone .
14 Because feeling grateful towards Rachel made her uncomfortable , she turned her attention to the other guests , a couple of solid neighbours whose grandchildren played in Kensington Gardens with Maggie during the holiday visits .
15 And runners like Wimpey Homes site manager Paul Hatfield are turning their attention to the 30 mile , 50km , 40/50 mile and 100km ( 62.1 mile ) distances — for fun !
16 After the war MI5 turned its attention to the growing menace of Bolshevism which the government feared would soon engulf the country .
17 De Tourville 's flagship , the Soleil Royal , and two other large vessels were promptly burnt and next day Russell turned his attention to the remaining 12 , every one of which , during the night of 23/24 May 1692 , and the following morning , was destroyed by the English fireships or by small raiding parties .
18 From this bad beginning , Vermuyden turned his attention to the great wetland system around Hatfield Chase , south of the Humber .
19 Then he turned his attention to the small tape-recorder , which had faithfully copied the brief transmission .
20 In 1635 he turned his attention to the internal posts .
21 He turned his attention to the typed paper .
22 Although as long ago as the early 1970s it had been shown that protein synthesis inhibitors were without effect on habituation and sensitization , it was not until the mid-1980s that Kandel turned his attention to the longer-term cellular processes .
23 Grant turned his attention to the flickering one — and gaped .
24 For several seconds , as their gazes met and held , she was disturbingly aware of the strong , sun-bronzed column of his throat , the startlingly blue gaze which studied her with an intensity so vibrantly sexual that it almost took her breath away before he turned his attention to the American couple .
25 Peres then turned his attention to the five-member ex-Liberal Likud faction led by Moda'i , but as of early April his efforts were unrewarded and negotiations continued .
26 Having scoured Ulthuan Tethlis turned his attention to the Blighted Isle , which was still in the hands of the Witch King 's legions .
27 Next he turned his attention to the Latin pieces and finally , after a short period ( 1613–16 ) at the Dresden court with its greater resources , produced a group of publications of which the most important is the Polyhymnia Caduceatrix et Panegyrica ( 1619 ) .
28 Outside , Damian ffrench-Farce turned his attention to the back garden .
29 He turned his attention to the exploited — and , it was believed , unreachable — casual workers in the iron ore mines , women and men earning only a few rupees a day , living in squalor in dusty shacks on devastated hillsides .
30 He turned his attention to the timeless fields of wheat and olives .
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