Example sentences of "turn [verb] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had turned to fly around the eastern edge of the island 's encircling reefs and was now staring intently at the houses , searching for any signs of danger , but it seemed as though Murder Cay was deserted .
2 Lifting his head , he turned to grin at the little girl .
3 The driver , a slight figure in a tweed jacket and grey flannel trousers , got out and looked across at the two women before turning to rummage behind the front seat and extract a bulky briefcase and an armful of files .
4 ‘ Oh , you must wait for coffee , ’ said Bob , sobering and turning to signal to the young waiter .
5 Mobuto climbed out slowly and turned to wave at the waiting photographers .
6 She turned to wave to the approaching Marines .
7 In the wives ' hostel Jocelyn finished unpacking and turned to look at the other occupant of the room a pleasant woman of thirty five who had introduced herself as Jane Smith .
8 Laura turned to look at the other woman in astonishment .
9 It was seventeen years after President Kennedy 's assassination , twelve years since Bobby 's , but the idea was so powerful nobody turned to look at the shattered window or the stunned lad .
10 She turned to look at the rear clock .
11 I turned to look at the young man beside me , his long fingered hands resting on the steering wheel .
12 ‘ I turned to look at the retreating figures of my two friends , feeling unbearably isolated , and went to eat alone in the cafeteria . ’
13 " Ah , excuse me , They both turned to look at the winding-stair door , where the small attendant was peeking round the side , most of its body hidden in the twisted darkness beyond .
14 And , repeating this like a charm : ‘ It was n't me ; it was n't me , ’ she turned to look at the red splashes on the wall .
15 SHE sat on the park bench waiting for Richard , her head turned to look towards the main gate .
16 His feet felt like lead and slowly , fearfully , he turned to look in the general direction of the voice .
17 He released her suddenly , turning to walk to the french windows , his hands thrust in grey trouser pockets , and stood there in that open doorway , framed by the heat and dust and the glittering ocean beyond the balcony .
18 He was turning to speak to the other person , who appeared to be wearing an evening gown ; as her hand moved , there was a glint of dress jewellery .
19 When on two occasions Ewen turned to make for the open sea , Neil , increasing our speed slightly , held on to what looked like a collision course .
20 Male and female take turns to perch on the bulky drum-nest of seaweed , incubating the single stained white egg .
21 Turn lining to the wrong side by folding the valance up on the creased hemline , re-folding the mitres so that 2.5cm ( 1in ) of valance fabric shows below the lining , and the top edges are level .
22 This turn was observed by several witnesses who saw the Cherokee turn to face towards the remaining traffic on finals and then , almost immediately , reverse direction into a left turn through about 180° using approximately 60° angle of bank .
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