Example sentences of "within [art] [det] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The correspondence within the same hemisphere of the mechanisms underlying speech and movements of the hands would gain added significance if there were evidence to connect speech and manual activity more directly .
2 While many gardens combine formality and informality satisfactorily in adjacent areas , and often to a limited extent within the same part of the garden , a pool must strictly adhere to the overall aspects of its surroundings .
3 Those that lie in local spaces having intersections with other spaces will be forced to have an association , if only in terms of their need to cohabit within the same region of the geometric domain .
4 The second man ducked back around the corner and Maxim backed off crouching and aiming until he was within a few metres of the cross-street .
5 That is , they fluctuate about a mean with a wavelength small compared with the dimensions of the sample , and the effects of these fluctuations become insignificant within a few wavelengths of the surface .
6 The first organisms , which appear within a few hours of the pool forming , are bacteria , as well as tiny single celled plants and animals called algae and protozoa respectively .
7 The process of counting is a proficient one and a sufficient number of results are usually announced within a few hours of the close of the polls to know which party has won the election .
8 Positioned within a few inches of the speaker 's lips , they produce a strong speech signal which stands out clearly against noisy backgrounds .
9 Both modern and ancient zones show intense reaction within a few centimetres of the soil surface , perhaps the area with least preservation potential , but very little alteration of the original sediment below that depth .
10 It hissed and moved its head to within a few centimetres of the android .
11 Many of these organisations are within a few minutes of the King 's Buildings .
12 All savour the wonderful position and the advantage of living within a few minutes of the A55 Expressway , with fast journey times in both directions .
13 With our all-purpose Lloyds bankcard ( Visa/cashcard/ cheque guarantee card ) we were able to obtain up to our daily maximum limit on any one day , in US$ , within a few minutes at the bank .
14 When she was within a few feet of the ground , the cat leapt from her and rubbed itself against its mistress 's legs .
15 The hiss was clear on MW and LW while the calculator was within a few feet of the set , but not on FM .
16 Robins found that Geiger readings there were halved when taken within a few feet of the ring of stones , as if the ring acted as a form of ‘ shield ’ .
17 During a match against Parr 's XI Felix was fielding at point for Sampson 's batting and he persisted in approaching to within a few feet of the batsman .
18 All cabinet council meetings took place in the west wing of the White House within a few feet of the Oval Office .
19 Beyond the apple trees and within a few feet of the river is a large raised platform , visible in winter before its annual submergence in weeds , part of a vanished building , and there are clear lines of stone walls adjoining it .
20 Using his binoculars , he watched the ball roll to within a few feet of the bunker into which he himself had dived that day when he had played with Richie , Dr. Stevie and Sir Bryan .
21 You need to be able to get into the turn quickly and accurately , and to be flying within a few knots of the pre-stall buffet .
22 Excluding the cold tundra , deserts range from 50 degrees North in Central Asia to within a few degrees of the equator in South America , with the result that temperature conditions vary considerably .
23 Coleridge had rolled in his sleep down the hill slope to within a few yards of the river , and when he woke up at dawn , he found he was unable to move or even to call out to the shepherds and workmen he could see near by .
24 Within a few yards of the bank on which they had spent the uneasy night they came across the first sign of man .
25 Within a few yards of the school are a filling station , fire station , police HQ , and the entrance to the rail station and Great Eastern Square shopping complex car park .
26 Within a few yards of the summit you can find fir clubmoss huperzia selago , and mountain azalea loiseleuria procumbens , both delightful finds for the plant hunter .
27 Mr Barker said he had n't insisted that the customer should produce a banker 's card because she lived within a few doors of the shop .
28 In any case it succumbed within a few years to the stresses of the Seven Years War , and was not revived until 1775 .
29 In any case , one or another form of ‘ Christianity ’ must have reached Britain within a few years of the time specified by Gildas .
30 But within a few years of the end of the war , responsibility for trunk roads , gas , electricity , national assistance and hospital services had been transferred from local to central government control .
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