Example sentences of "member are [verb] by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The committee members are appointed by the Committee of Selection .
2 These members are appointed by the Head of the Department of Economic Development after consultation with appropriate organisations , including organisations representing employers and employees .
3 The Appeal Tribunal is constituted under Chapter VIII of Part VII and its members are appointed by the board of Lautro .
4 Their members are appointed by the Secretary of State , with between 40% and 60% of the membership to come from higher education .
5 Under the bill the Independent Television Commission — whose members are appointed by the Government — will make appointments ‘ subject to the approval of the Government ’ to the new Channel 4 Corporation .
6 The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal is wholly independent of The Law Society and its members are appointed by the Master of the Rolls .
7 To supervise the future conduct of societies , the Act established a Building Societies Commission , whose members are appointed by the Treasury .
8 Members are appointed by the President from those considered to ‘ have knowledge or experience of conditions in the area and to be representative of persons living or working in the area ’ ( Social Security Act 1975 , Sched. 10 , para. ( 2 ) ) .
9 There is a unicameral National Assembly of whom 23 members are elected by direct popular vote for five years and two members are appointed by the President .
10 Considering the poor reputation of the Dail whose members are elected by the STV that claim is truly astonishing .
11 But many AFBD members are disturbed by the implication that they could be answerable in London to a foreign regulator .
12 After selection by a local Children 's Panel Advisory Committee , new members are confirmed by the Secretary of State for Scotland .
13 Because its business involves the Inns as well as the Bar , the JRC is a joint committee whose members are nominated by the Bar Council , the Inns ' Council and the individual Inns .
14 It can also imply that all the experiences and aspirations of their members are exhausted by the fact of racial subordination .
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