Example sentences of "hold [adv] [prep] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 A person who holds over at the end of a lease is not a trespasser until demand is made , as only the person in possession can be trespassed against ( Hey v Moorhouse ( 1839 ) 6 Bing NC 52 ) .
2 But the more one looks at the character of the prison population the more one is struck by the magnifying mirror that it holds up to the inequalities of our society .
3 Hold on to the edge of 1 bench with your hands behind your back .
4 If we hold on to the suffering of those nearest to us , we may not be strong enough to offer any real help by lifting them from whatever is affecting them .
5 As long as doctors hold on to the role of being omnipotent , it is not surprising they need defences .
6 there 's another meaning to the word respect , which is what is shown up by the Stoke Newington incident , and other similar incidents , in that , you can only respect somebody if they actually live up to the standards that they actually hold out to the rest of you .
7 The brief silence seemed to stretch down the long room and hold fast by the pillars of the door , and every eye in the hall fixed greedily on the three at the high table .
8 Small entrepreneurs in Japan hold tenaciously to the ideals of self-help and dedication to the work ethic , but it is not at all clear that their presence in the small firm sector is entirely based on free choice .
9 Her toes were on the beam , her arms above her head , holding on to the top of the gates .
10 It was never , as we have seen , the Labour government 's intention that the independence of India should be the prelude to a general nunc dimittis , and this disposes of the plausible notion that once India was gone the pointlessness of holding on to the rest of the dependent empire , supposedly acquired to protect the sea routes to Bombay , was immediately perceived .
11 But I think that was when I was in the sea holding on to the bit of foam , and more or less just let myself float under the water , but me arm was round the top of the bit of foam , on the surface , and I think it got burnt by the the heat off the platform then .
12 When she recovered she was holding on to the edge of the table for balance .
13 Miss Phoebe gave her head a slight shake , holding on to the arms of her chair as if it would save her from drowning .
14 If it feels like the penis is getting soft during sex , try holding on to the base of the condom .
15 Lee was behind him , holding on to the back of his anorak and bumping him with the torch .
16 I stood up , holding on to the back of my chair , my heart beating like a hammer .
17 they are caught , often , in a conflict between holding on to the security of their childhood dependence and striking out for independence .
18 These are women holding on to the value of their tears , but there are many others who have been made to feel ashamed .
19 He was holding on to the hand of one of the passengers who was bleeding rather badly .
20 Not only that , it 's a full-fledged endangered species ( see ‘ Pigs in distress ’ ) , having disappeared entirely from the islands of Masbate , Bohol , Cebu , Guimaras and Sequijor , and holding on by the skin of its tusks only on Negros and Panay .
21 These modest words come from Swindelli ( below , white jacket ) , vocalist/rapper with The 25th Of May , who is animatedly holding forth on the merits of the band 's neatly titled debut LP ‘ Lenin And McCarthy ’ .
22 The Brigadier , a little flushed with good wine , was holding forth about the qualities of modern officers .
23 From the behavioural point of view , the principal male characteristic is sadistic sexual egoism , since is it clear that only the male who is capable of driving off his rivals can hold on to the females of the breeding group .
24 Swindon insist there 's been no formal approach by Cheslea and still hope to hold on to the architect of Monday 's triumph .
25 He was giving her orders : she was to hold on to the edge of the pool and breathe deeply in and out .
26 " I can show you how , " he promised , " but we would have to hold on to the back of a chair . "
27 By holding on to that possession , the people of this country would be able to hold on to the banners of freedom .
28 While Chancellor Kohl 's CDU-CSU alliance holds 309 of the 652 seats , far more than its closest rivals , the Social Democrats , who have 239 , it could not govern without the support of Hans Dietrich-Genscher 's FDP — which is why Genscher has managed to hold on to the post of Foreign Minister for so long .
29 If anyone was to blame , it was the anti-drugs policy of successive governments , and especially president Richard Nixon 's , but that 's another talking point on which he would hold forth at the drop of a hat .
30 But at least they could hold off within the value of what they now held , and were empowered to dispose of to advantage .
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