Example sentences of "away from [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So , while the Western world has seen a major shift , for a variety of reasons , in preferred manager 's styles away from autocracy towards a belief in more participative , reduced dependency styles in which individuals are treated as adults and empowered to act , there are other parts of the world where this would be considered inappropriate because dominance and dependency are effective styles .
2 ‘ With any luck he 'll stay away from Nogai for a while .
3 More importantly there is also now a distinct movement away from employability as the motive for partnership towards that of citizenship .
4 Early in 1921 , a slight chill and a few spots on my chest meant that I was away from school for a couple of days .
5 Even the dunce might come away from school with a phrase or two — — and the learned have sometimes gone to extraordinary lengths to get him into and out of their systems .
6 Hill ran away from school at the age of twelve to work on an uncle 's farm .
7 I was always being ill with minor ailments such as earache or tonsillitis , and often spent as much as three consecutive weeks away from school as a result .
8 ‘ Why do n't you slip away from lover-boy for a late-night drink ?
9 Hilton says they turn away from involvement in the world , and , in words which more immediately evoke the liberation and peace which are the goals of the rigours of contemplative life , he says that they : That is , they rid themselves from involvement with any possessions not strictly needed for physical survival and escape from the demands and goals of social success to a different kind of service .
10 Manucci was the son of a Venetian trader who , aged fourteen , had run away from home as a stowaway on a merchant ship .
11 This was Peter Lorre 's first film but he had been acting for ten years in a career which had begun with his running away from home at the age of 15 and which bore many similarities to the careers of other American and European actors who had arrived in Hollywood already .
12 Shetland , for example , is 338 kilometres ( 210 miles ) north of Aberdeen and attendance at a mid-week meeting on the mainland could involve five days away from home for a councillor from the northern isles ( Wheatley 1969:292 ) .
13 Erm now you said you went away , you lived away from home for a bit , when you when you were eight
14 Did you say you lived away from home for a bit ?
15 He may be required to live away from home for a period as part of the " treatment " programme devised by the supervisor .
16 Your child has just appeared at a Children 's Hearing and the members of the Panel have decided that your child should be placed on supervision to a social worker and that he/she should live away from home for a time .
17 In 1937 , 15 million people ( one-third of the population ) were holidaying away from home for a week or more .
18 And while he was on the film set or wherever he was you know , away from home for the week , he 'd be playing around with every bit of skirt he could find .
19 It was n't as if you could rely on him being away from home during the working day .
20 In future Celeste will not be able to go away from home without a licence .
21 In future Celeste will not be able to go away from home without a licence .
22 Around three thousand letters and cards were sent to the children while they were away from home in a campaign resembling those organised by Amnesty for political prisoners .
23 These include relative isolation , taken as more than 20 km from urban areas ; social class , defined as the proportion of the population in the registrar general 's classes I and II ; density of children , taken crudely as the number of enumeration districts in a given sector having 100 or more children ( postcode sectors are fairly large , and acreages of enumeration districts are not available ) ; and increases from 1971 to 1981 in the numbers of men working away from home in the construction and energy industries ( ‘ recent oil impact measure ’ ) .
24 To get one goal away from home in the World Cup is good .
25 Ripley 's failure was part of a team malfunction that left Blackburn beaten for the first time away from home in the League .
26 The College shop stocks essential requisites for those away from home plus a range of Henley merchandise from sweatshirts to teddy-bears .
27 Probably all three of them were away from court at the time of the murder : Waddo was certainly in the retinue of Chilperic 's daughter Rigunth , who was en route for Spain , where she was to have been married .
28 Mike and Joanna , both dentists , arranged to be away from work for a year : Joanna sold her practice and Mike employed a locum .
29 If you are going to be away from work for a period in the future , you will have to pay the full rate when you return to paid employment , so it might be as well to start now , and build up the maximum benefit .
30 The average time away from work for a woman who leaves to raise a family is eight years , and 30 per cent of women attending the Dow-Stoker Returners courses have been away from the workplace for over fifteen years .
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