Example sentences of "away from [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In order to wean the company away from a reliance on theatre plays , he set up a major script department which drew on the talents of writers like Frank Launder , Sidney Gilliatt , Val Guest and Michael Pertwee , as well as occasionally giving jobs to young writers like Christopher Isherwood .
2 But the outcome was to demonstrate forcefully that you should never shy away from a fight for fear of losing .
3 The hearings system is claimed to have turned thousands of youngsters away from a life of crime over the last 20 years , but because of the confidential nature of the work done by reporters and panel members , much of the evidence is anecdotal .
4 They played only in the morning , to put themselves six or eight hours away from a place by dark .
5 I am sure our guide had this well planned , because we were only a few steps away from a group of rockhopper penguins !
6 She 's obviously desperate to hold onto her No. 1 ranking and absenteeism begs the question of her shying away from a confrontation with Graf for fear of losing her ranking points lead .
7 Breaking away from a career as sideman can be a daunting task .
8 The failure of the Royal Commission 's own research to support their advocacy of large-scale units of local government led to scepticism in the 1970s as opinion swung away from a belief in bigness as a correlate of efficiency and progress .
9 Short now trails 2–1 in the best of 10 match , the winner of which will be only one step away from a contest with world champion Gary Kasparov in 1993 .
10 Also , if we turn away uncritically from a voice-we hate or fear , then we are turning away from a source of conflict — and conflict is one of the writer 's richest foods .
11 Having moved away from an era of commodity support to one offering reward for environmental investment agriculture has largely shed the old ‘ featherbed ’ image .
12 Having moved away from an era of commodity support to one offering reward for environmental investment agriculture has largely shed the old ‘ featherbed ’ image .
13 This picture of the grudging but well-intentioned patching up of managerial differences is some way away from an ideal of quality control which relies on teamwork .
14 Miller survived that extraordinary pressure and steered the club away from the edge of extinction .
15 It will do you no good to try and keep away from the hub of activity and hope that by making no impression you will not make a bad impression .
16 The early 1860s had witnessed the culmination of the great modernising transformation of the criminal justice system in Britain : away from the reliance on hanging , whipping and transportation that had dominated the ‘ Bloody Code ’ inherited from the eighteenth century , towards an essentially novel emphasis on the reformation of character through the discipline of the penitentiary .
17 If we are considering distances far away from the origin of Fig. 2.3 , i.e.
18 Again the revolver exploded , again Callaghan staggered away from the spurt of dirt .
19 As secularists , they saw the Islamic resurgence as retrograde , leading away from the kind of society they hoped to create .
20 Minton , himself , still attended dinners and parties given by Lehmann , even though his interests were now drawing him away from the kind of society that Lehmann represented .
21 On the one hand what the gay movement had done was to involve me in a very intense one-to-one relationship , a couple relationship , and at the same time the ideology that the movement was instilling in me was away from the idea of couple relationships and away from the idea that sex should be conventionally tied to relationships or a single relationship .
22 Many feminists will come this far with me but still shy away from the idea of pay for childcare , even when we 've clarified that it 's not the same demand as Wages for Housework .
23 This joint commitment moves away from the idea of loyalty solely to a single school and from the idea of out-and-out competition .
24 Most would like to see the auditor 's period away from the audit in question extended from the proposed two years ( which , as Touche Ross says , ‘ could lead to this guidance being perceived as a cosmetic exercise' ) , but can not agree over how long .
25 Welsh parents attach considerable importance to privacy and to time away from the work of child care , for either work outside the home or leisure activities .
26 A that Mala flushed slightly , but even so seemed unable to tear her gaze away from the man in gold and white .
27 The crowds were peeling away from the fight in terror , and most of the ragged people of the procession had disappeared , been engulfed .
28 The guiding principle must be that the overall value or interest of the essay lies in how its combination of observation and argument leads towards more general statements , and so away from the particularity of autobiography and personal impression .
29 For Lord Waddington , kicked upstairs to the Lords in 1991 , a conversation with the PM could mean only one thing — another gentle shove away from the centre of power .
30 So decoration was pushed away from the centre of interest .
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