Example sentences of "keep [pers pn] [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Soilless composts will do very well as they are , keeping them slightly on the dry side , but be very careful , as such composts take a long time to dry out but then do so completely with alarming rapidity , and are exceedingly difficult to wet through to the centre of the root-ball .
2 That means keeping them out of the unpredictable British May weather .
3 She was in the cafeteria a short while later , steadfastly keeping her back to the huge windows with their wonderful view of the skiers outside , when a hand descended on to her shoulder , making her start in alarm .
4 Rocastle got a page long interview expressing some puzzlement at Wilko keeping him out of the first team .
5 If she was n't , he slipped into her mind , the memory of her response to him both torment and humiliation , and dislodging him once he entered her thoughts proved far more difficult than keeping him out in the first place .
6 My right hon. Friend has shown the utmost skill and stamina over the past two days in keeping us away from the dangerous path towards the centralised Europe that none of us who are good Europeans want to see .
7 These muscles have the function of keeping us upright against the ever-present force of gravity ; they have the advantage of never tiring as they need to work for long periods at a time .
8 ‘ Rather than selling him , we are about to offer James a new and extended contract which will keep him here for the next two or three years . ’
9 He is currently in Israel although a leg strain will keep him out of the national side , who play Finland in Helsinki in a World Cup tie tomorrow .
10 Johnny was immediately made captain , a position he held for nearly five years , and scored on his debut , but even Johnny 's seven goals from the 12 remaining games could not keep us out of the new basement division .
11 The hatchback also keeps them away from the big Volvos .
12 Staff members tried to keep them away from the soft-hearted President , consigning them to the Vice-president not because Bush was more callous , North explained , but because it was Reagan who had to make the policy decisions .
13 Even if it was n't quite enough finesse to keep him out of the loony bin .
14 Maurin interjected that he had done it for the best , that he suspected she would spread silly gossip and it was sensible to keep her away from the English journalist .
15 I felt that if I could get into a regular habit-forming routine then I would be able to keep it up beyond the 30 days .
16 The US government , which has no relations with the PLO and has sought consistently to keep it out of the Middle East peace process , said the request was still being discussed five hours later when news arrived that the 62-year-old chairman had been found .
17 Cec then refused the terms offered by the club in the summer of 1927 and moved to Bristol City , but his 54 League goals for the Palace still keep him well within the top fifteen scorers in the history of our club .
18 I kept him away from the old man .
19 The tour party was weakened when Gordon Hamilton , the World Cup flank forward , withdrew yesterday because of doubts about his back injury , which kept him out of the Five Nations Championship .
20 Agassi was seeing a specialist in Seattle in a bid to beat the injury which kept him out of the French Open .
21 The general shortage of comforts and of everything which kept us just above the lowest level of life was sufficiently great to make individuals cling to what they had with something like fanaticism .
22 The scrum half has recovered from the injury which would have kept him out of the postponed Durham Cup tie against Horden on Wednesday .
23 So far I 've kept her away from the secret files .
24 He took the photostat copy of the Illustrated Police News out of the roll-top desk where he had kept it together with the original photograph ; under a pile of old negatives away from his wife 's prying eyes .
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