Example sentences of "something [adv] [adj] [conj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Underachievement , however , means something rather different when the focus of educational concern is black pupils .
2 If they do not , and if the institutions remain inactive , then auditors face something much worse than a cookbook .
3 Something much larger than a man .
4 Her tilted smile put the usual dent , something just less than a dimple , at the corner of her mouth as she pulled on a robe bought only three days previously , sumptuous emerald silk with an elaborate multicoloured dragon embroidered all over the back .
5 Javad v Aquil [ 1991 ] All ER 243 confirms that the concept of a tenancy at will remains a reality and while the landlord may be concerned that the tenant should not become a periodic tenant until the grant of the lease , the tenant may wish to ensure that it has something more concrete than a tenancy at will .
6 What many need is to be told that they can achieve something more constructive than a profit from others ' financial predicament .
7 Something more imposing than the way the Hogans had it .
8 Mr Mellor has never been given proper credit for showing sufficient resolution during the passage of the Broadcasting Bill to persuade his colleagues that ITV deserved to have its future determined by something more subtle than a contest to see who could stuff the most pound notes into a brown envelope earmarked for the Treasury .
9 If Casaubon had in mind something more precise than an alternative to the disguised Machiavellianism of the contemporary Tacitists , he did not make it clear .
10 If your taste demands something more cultured than a shopping and scoffing experience , you may be fascinated by Dusseldorf 's wealth of museums and galleries .
11 He who has yawned and smirked at every politician in the land — surely he could manage something more original than a couple of funny faces ?
12 For example if you go on an overland trip trekking in erm South America , you 're clearly looking for something totally different than the person who goes on the sort of typical Club Eighteen to Thirty type holiday .
13 So I think there is something qualitatively different when the subject , or perhaps more appropriately the object of sexual harassment are women .
14 However , he is not an unmitigated success , giving the show something slightly more than the banality of most sitcoms .
15 Erm I mean I was just finding myself expressing the views that er given the dramatic change in the composition of the County Council since the election , I would have thought something as major as the East Grinstead by-pass would need to be considered by the new council anyway and er I think it would be perhaps er assuming too much er to believe that the present council would follow the line of the previous council that 's only er a personal expression .
16 A kestrel 's prey might be something as small as a beetle , and as they tend to hover twenty or thirty feet above the ground , their eyesight and the accuracy of their dive are both awe-inspiring .
17 Research shows that something as simple as a bowl of cornflakes can improve moods dramatically , one researcher saying that the dose of carbohydrate acted on women like a tranquilliser .
18 Take something as simple as a backdrop .
19 We would like you to join us for dinner , meet our friends , enjoy a glass of wine or two over something as simple as a plate of pasta , or as extravagant as a six course meal .
20 Something as simple as a mug can turn a handful of pansies into a vivid display .
21 But of course any God capable of intelligently designing something as complex as the DNA/protein replicating machine must have been at least as complex and organized as that machine itself .
22 Something as curious as the monarchy wo n't survive unless you take account of people 's attitudes , ’ the Prince told an interviewer in 1982 , in a remark which gives some clue to the task he set himself .
23 The current Prince of Wales has been quoted as saying that ‘ something as curious as the monarchy wo n't survive unless you take account of people 's attitudes … after all , if people do n't want it , they wo n't have it ’ ( quoted in Rose , 1985 : 75 ) .
24 Something as tall as a steeple , in a trailing black dress , fair hair cascading ; a face turned , looking down at Ruth , with long mocking green eyes that glimmered like the sea .
25 One of the perplexities about the interpretation of quantum mechanics is what , if any , meaning it attaches to the reality of something as protean as an electron .
26 His deftness with something as prosaic as a cotton bud and bottle of adrenalin might not be everybody 's idea of art , but is certainly artful .
27 No one amends lightly something as vital as a blueprint .
28 Severe degradation and melting of the reactor 's core was regarded as something that was virtually impossible given that the plant was designed to cope with something as extreme as a guillotine break in a main coolant pipe .
29 With something as desirable as the Bölkow 207 , I did n't need a second offer , and on a thunderstorm-laden day ‘ TE turned finals onto Bourn 's Runway 19 to rendezvous with an eager air-tester and an equally impatient photographer .
30 How much faith can we have in a possible Chancellor who does not have any independent view on something as important as the PSBR .
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