Example sentences of "something more [adj] [conj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Javad v Aquil [ 1991 ] All ER 243 confirms that the concept of a tenancy at will remains a reality and while the landlord may be concerned that the tenant should not become a periodic tenant until the grant of the lease , the tenant may wish to ensure that it has something more concrete than a tenancy at will .
2 What many need is to be told that they can achieve something more constructive than a profit from others ' financial predicament .
3 Something more imposing than the way the Hogans had it .
4 Mr Mellor has never been given proper credit for showing sufficient resolution during the passage of the Broadcasting Bill to persuade his colleagues that ITV deserved to have its future determined by something more subtle than a contest to see who could stuff the most pound notes into a brown envelope earmarked for the Treasury .
5 If Casaubon had in mind something more precise than an alternative to the disguised Machiavellianism of the contemporary Tacitists , he did not make it clear .
6 If your taste demands something more cultured than a shopping and scoffing experience , you may be fascinated by Dusseldorf 's wealth of museums and galleries .
7 He who has yawned and smirked at every politician in the land — surely he could manage something more original than a couple of funny faces ?
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