Example sentences of "hand and [verb] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Claudia framed his face between her hands and kissed him softly on his eyes and cheeks before her lips lingered on his mouth .
2 Shelley unclasped her hands and put them obediently at her sides .
3 Crawford scooped up the suds in his hands and put them back in the machine — through the open door .
4 But he put up no defence ; he simply raised his hands and laid them lightly on Gentle 's shoulders .
5 Cornelius threw up his hands and brought them down amidst a torrent of hair .
6 They beat him up in the alleyway , tied his hands and led him off to the Marshalsea .
7 Loc had giggled with embarrassment then shook hands and greeted them hurriedly in French before Devraux returned to the car .
8 At last he was freed , and gritting his teeth , Jack took the small forearm firmly in his hands and lifted it quickly off the last spike .
9 He reached towards her with his strong hands and pressed them down on the fine-boned structure of her shoulders , massaging with rhythmic , kneading movements .
10 He pushed the bra straps off her shoulders and she looked at him helplessly , torn between releasing the bodice to grab his hands and keeping it safely in place .
11 Harry caught hold of her hands and held them tightly in his own .
12 Louisa stepped on to the ice , crossed her hands and held them out to her escorts .
13 Isabel lowered her hands and held them out to him in an invitation that was as ancient as womanhood .
14 Instead he lifted his hands and pushed them deep into her hair , and , before she had time to get herself together , he was kissing her , his mouth hard and brutal against hers .
15 Nicholas withdrew his own hands and placed them lightly on her two shoulders .
16 ‘ Certainly the play advocates a continuation of the war , as plays nowadays are required to do , ’ said Deems , folding his hands and placing them gently on the table before him , as if to show that he concealed nothing .
17 He put out a hand and ran it possessively over her hair .
18 His good spirits thus restored , Rickie seized his sister 's hand and dragged her excitedly towards the boat .
19 Jay remembered the sun in the garden , the paddling pool , her mother meeting her after school , face lighting up with love and joy as her little girl pelted out of school like a tornado , seized her mother 's hand and dragged her home down the street , read to her , played with her , woke her with a kiss , read her a bedtime story .
20 He raised his hard little hand and brought it down on Jack 's resoundingly .
21 She still had the torch in her hand and brought it down on her assailant with all her strength .
22 Suddenly exasperated , Buddie raised his free hand and brought it down in a resounding slap on the boy 's buttocks .
23 ‘ Oh , O. K. ’ He lifted his leg off the floor with one hand and put it back on the bed .
24 Luke lifted his hand and laid it softly against her cheek .
25 Perhaps he thought that if he made a success of the concert party , word would get around amongst show business that here was someone to keep an eye on , and his big chance might come ; that someone important in the music world might come up to him with a contract in his hand and sign him up for the next ten years as a successor to Sir Malcolm Sargeant .
26 Occasionally he would mutter a few words of comfort , or reach out a hand and lay it reassuringly on Sigarup 's blanketed body to let him know that he was still awake .
27 Their sense of tradition is also very strong and instead of dying out in 1951 when enthusiasm was beginning to wane a little , it was revitalised when Stanley Robshaw took it in hand and set it firmly on its feet again .
28 He took her hand and led her out of the café .
29 Her eyes were only very slightly glazed as Fernando Serra tightened his grip on her hand and led her out of the Guadalquivir suite .
30 She took hold of his hand and led him over to the small bed .
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