Example sentences of "hand [coord] [verb] it [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At last he was freed , and gritting his teeth , Jack took the small forearm firmly in his hands and lifted it quickly off the last spike .
2 He pushed the bra straps off her shoulders and she looked at him helplessly , torn between releasing the bodice to grab his hands and keeping it safely in place .
3 He put out a hand and ran it possessively over her hair .
4 He raised his hard little hand and brought it down on Jack 's resoundingly .
5 She still had the torch in her hand and brought it down on her assailant with all her strength .
6 Suddenly exasperated , Buddie raised his free hand and brought it down in a resounding slap on the boy 's buttocks .
7 ‘ Oh , O. K. ’ He lifted his leg off the floor with one hand and put it back on the bed .
8 Luke lifted his hand and laid it softly against her cheek .
9 Occasionally he would mutter a few words of comfort , or reach out a hand and lay it reassuringly on Sigarup 's blanketed body to let him know that he was still awake .
10 Their sense of tradition is also very strong and instead of dying out in 1951 when enthusiasm was beginning to wane a little , it was revitalised when Stanley Robshaw took it in hand and set it firmly on its feet again .
11 A pyjama-clad Vice-Admiral Hawkins , propped up on the pillows of his bunk , glowered at the message in his hand and passed it across to Denholm .
12 The Bill gives protection with one hand and takes it away with the other .
13 Hold the moulding firmly against the far side of the mitre box with one hand and then hold the saw in the other hand and draw it diagonally across the moulding to cut the mitre .
14 ‘ And I 'm quite sure that you are exactly my style ! ’ he added smoothly , removing the champagne glass from her trembling hand and setting it down on a nearby table .
15 And when she did , he stopped the stab of her free hand and twisted it up behind her shoulders .
16 Then he kissed her hand and held it close to his chest .
17 She ate it in her hand and washed it down with several glasses of Tizer .
18 ‘ I do n't think I have had the pleasure of meeting you before , ’ she said , transferring Flossie 's lead to her left hand and entangling it dangerously with the milk can , whilst proffering her right .
19 In the darkness , under cover of which they had been kissing cuddling so much ( with his hand inside her blouse ) that she had not the first idea what the film was about , he took her hand and guided it down to his lap .
20 ‘ Are we eating out or in tonight ? ’ she asked as she took the sopping sponge from his hand and squeezed it murderously into the sink .
21 Jenkins said , deftly taking the coaster from Laidlaw 's hand and discarding it unobtrusively in the bin under the counter .
22 He looked down at the discod still clenched in his hand and threw it impulsively into the pillar of light .
23 She steeled herself to touch him , taking the mask from his hand and placing it firmly on his face , looping the ribbon carefully over his ears and sweeping around him in her long skirts to tie it firmly .
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