Example sentences of "part [prep] the [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , the increased state intervention that was part of the trend to corporatism imposed costs and taxes that capitalists are showing themselves eager and able to shrug off given the support of the politics of Thatcherism .
2 This stage of county court procedure was introduced in 1972 and was part of the response to criticism that the county court did not cater adequately for the resolution of small claims .
3 A single line railway ran from St George 's to Kelly 's Island , the full length of the colony , and many Bermudians brought their bicycles part of the way to town on the flat-cars attached to the train for that purpose .
4 As part of the Invitation to Mystery exhibition at Kirkleatham Old Hall museum , a series of demonstrations on the art of conjuring and magic are being staged by Middlesbrough Circle of magicians from Tuesday .
5 Charles Rose , the chairman of a House of Representatives agriculture subcommittee , claimed in the House on March 14 that BNL had loaned part of the money to Rafidain under the pretence that it formed part of a $514,000,000 government-approved export credit guarantee scheme for agricultural development in Iraq .
6 The problem this creates for Christianity is that a part of the turning to faith in our generation may be only a reflection of the psychological and sociological undercurrents of our time .
7 As part of the design to construction stage I developed the ‘ Gothic bracket ’ .
8 They see part of the key to success in clever ideas for retuning , which are secrets as closely guarded as the recipe for Coca Cola .
9 She was a tall , strongly-built divorcee who aimed to walk part of the Coast to Coast route as a holiday , like most of the other thousands who trek the walk each year .
10 In the last ten years social movements of all kinds have played a major part in the transition to democracy ( and not only in Latin America and Eastern Europe ) , in human rights , environmental , peace and other movements .
11 In a surprise move on Dec. 19 , the government lifted the ban on former politicians taking part in the transition to democracy .
12 The war communism model had enjoyed considerable popularity , in part because of the USSR 's ‘ authoritarian-patriarchal culture ’ , and had later taken the form of Stalinism , with its belief that the state should play the major part in the transition to socialism .
13 This enthusiastic band augmented the famous blue tunics with a daring ‘ bare midriff ’ ensemble to lecture and show Medau Movement in all parts of the country to PE Colleges , Education Authorities , Social/Women 's groups , and various public bodies .
14 Vitamin A used to be called the anti-infective vitamin because a deficiency reduces the resistance of certain parts of the body to infection .
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