Example sentences of "part [prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 The teacher running the course checked out materials in the library as part of her planning for the course .
2 In any case , many royal clerks would see no sharp distinction between royal and church business or between clerical taxation and clerical reform , both of which were relevant to the well-being of the church : for many clergy , as indeed for Winchelsey , the solvency of the crown was part of their responsibility for the Christian commonwealth .
3 ‘ The department will also decide to send staff on courses as part of its responsibility for the development of professional and non-professional staff ’ …
4 The demonstrations had been planned by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions ( ZCTU ) as part of its campaign for the suspension of the government 's economic reform programme [ see p. 38751 ] and the repeal of new labour legislation .
5 Part of our case for the Radio News Network is that we must do better about telling our country about itself , not just in terms of law or education but also in terms of science , technology , medicine , the environment and an area where I personally have a great commitment — and that is coverage of business and our economy on which all our futures depend .
6 Sometimes we get feedback : in the 1991 campaign on Morocco , over 10,000 members sent birthday cards to King Hassan containing a message about human rights ; as part of our campaign for the inclusion of human rights within the National Curriculum , over 3000 letters were written by members to MPs and ministers .
7 Suffering is part of our preparation for the hereafter .
8 The guillotine motion after 10 o'clock tonight will attempt to preclude sensible contributions , attempt to preclude people from dealing with the difficulties and technicalities in the Bill , and pose a real problem for those of us who believe that local government is not a political football to be kicked about at whim , but an essential part of our democracy for the provision of essential services .
9 I do n't have any help in the house , as I prefer to use that part of my budget for the twins ’ child minder , Audrey .
10 Part of his admiration for the Mallorys derived from the cheerful , uncomplaining way in which they put up with discomforts and performed small acts of self-denial .
11 He gave her the money then , and said it was part of his retainer for the season . ’
12 This series of strong points has been shown to have been established by Constantius Chlorus as part of his campaign for the recovery of the Province in AD 296 .
13 Other developments such as quarrying , opencast mining , motorways , barrages , marinas , and oil-drilling , are threatening to destroy large parts of our environment for the sake of very dubious economic gains .
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