Example sentences of "too [adj] [verb] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The girl must be busy ’ , ‘ the maintenance course she had been on was probably gruelling ’ , or ‘ she was still too upset to put pen to paper ’ .
2 Too frail to give evidence in court , she described the attack in a statement .
3 Dr Granville wrote : ‘ July is much too early to see Harrogate to advantage .
4 It 's often too dangerous to have tantrums at school .
5 It is all too easy to attribute changes in mood to drug therapy when in fact they have been the result of removing the patient from a stressful environment and providing him with support .
6 Action : The filename supplied is too long to allow entry into LIFESPAN .
7 In a hurry to find me and too tired to pay attention to detail , he might give him a cursory glance and exclaim , relieved , " Ah , there you are . "
8 Ms Sachs said the Gorazde convoy left Belgrade too late to reach Rogatica by nightfall .
9 The FR.4 was too late to see service in World War Two , and of the 160 built , 120 were delivered to the FAA and forty to the Royal Netherlands Naval Air Service ( RNNAS ) .
10 In the words of others he springs into action as a political firebrand , marching into the coal-owners ' offices and demanding justice for their exploited work-force , only to be told that the coal seams were too meagre and the profit margin too small to provide improvements in safety standards .
11 Programme Analysis and Review was too slow and too cumbersome to inject reason into necessity .
12 The fuse at the input to the switching circuit , rated at 10A , provides some protection , but fuses even of the fast-blow sort sometimes prove too slow to prevent damage to semiconductor devices .
13 The woman ran to a friend in college and immediately went to the Police for help … she 's now too frightened to leave college at night .
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