Example sentences of "too [adj] and [adj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That was far too weak and mild a word for the emotions he stirred .
2 Maybe part of the trouble is also Raymond Leppard 's handling of the orchestral accompaniment , the quavers of which chug along in too solid and inflexible a manner .
3 His face moved continually , different expressions rippling and flowing across it as if he really were a sea creature , moved and swayed by the changing tide and currents in water , in continual motion — flickering from smile to grimace to pain to peace , eyelids half rising to reveal a sea-shell sightless crescent of pearly blue-white , lips parting then closing , breaths shuddering and shivering him as if air were too strong and coarse a medium .
4 People surged forward and back ; the Man realized he was needed and turned to go out of Woil 's cage , probably thinking that if he left the door ajar for only a moment Woil was too placid and safe a bird to try to escape .
5 My main reservation about the book , which is more evident to me now than when it first appeared , is that Lodge has too direct and univocal an understanding of the elusive concept of ‘ literature ’ .
6 Even John Stuart Mill who , as one would expect , greatly admired Socrates , describing him in On Liberty , rather extravagantly , as " the head and prototype of all subsequent teachers of virtue " and " the acknowledged master of all the eminent thinkers who have since lived , " was moved to protest at this probably misplaced generosity : " The Athenian Many , of whose irritability and suspicion we hear so much , are rather to be accused of too easy and good-natured a confidence , when we reflect that they had living in the midst of them the very men who , on the first show of an opportunity , were ready to compass the subversion of the democracy . "
7 It is in fact a movement : a coming together of teachers whose common conviction it is that teaching up to now has been conducted in far too random and amateurish a fashion , based at best on a kind of inspired guesswork , and that it ought to be possible by putting our minds to it , and applying the sort of thinking that is successful in other fields , to do a better job than before .
8 The architecture of the great Minoan temples is too large and complex a subject to deal with here , and a discussion of the temples ' religious function is reserved for Chapter 6 below .
9 Keeping my feelings hidden from him as well as I could , I suggested that the hospital was becoming too obvious and dangerous a hiding place .
10 Highly conscious of the strategic risks of the defence of Cuba , sensing that Castro — who had no orthodox Communist credentials — was too ambitious and unpredictable a leader to be a wholly reliable client , and ( as explained in chapter 4 ) already beginning to regret the extent of their economic commitment , the Soviet leadership once again retreated into caution .
11 I tugged and lugged the dinghy until it was sliding backwards down the bank , and then held on to the painter , digging my heels in , leaning back to prevent too fast and splashy a launch .
12 But presented as historical fact , they rest on too improbable and tenuous a basis .
13 It was too deep and ominous a sound to be Maggie 's little hire-car .
14 As Catch 22 , Slaughterhouse-5 and others have shown , some books have too slippery and permanent a place in people 's lives to become credible movies .
15 Her mother Wendy hovered round the house in too petty and ethereal a form to be much use : the occasional glimmer of light where no light should be , an object in motion which by rights should be still .
16 It will be noted that they are marked mf or f against the f or ff of the rest of the ensemble to guard against their upsetting the balance by too powerful and brassy a tone .
17 In the end it is perhaps rather too tidy and symmetrical an affirmation of the human spirit .
18 That was too microscopic and parochial a theory .
19 But it was far too unstructured and anti-social a method to be a total success in educational terms .
20 To exert my dominance over the cancer cells and yet not be too aggressive seemed , in that moment of crisis , to be altogether too difficult and contradictory a task .
21 The seeking of business success is far too difficult and serious a matter to be done in a cosy way .
22 Perhaps it is too radical and imaginative a suggestion , but has anyone in the local government structure of Suffolk looked beyond their plans to build houses on Ipswich Airport and considered what a fine civil airport for the county either of the two unwanted RAF airfields might make ?
23 Consent , then , is too passive and restrictive a conception to provide an adequate account of the proper role of the people in a democracy .
24 While I am far too gentle and decent a person to criticise any Opposition Member who has joined in the expressions of appreciation of this action , I have to say , in the kindest possible way , that if the defence policies to which the Opposition subscribe — I include all the Opposition parties — were implemented , we should not be ordering a rowing boat , let alone three frigates .
25 There is a tendency among corporate law scholars to dismiss the debate about the nature of the company and corporate personality as too rarefied and speculative an enquiry better left to properly qualified jurisprudential writers .
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