Example sentences of "more [conj] [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The teacher , too , as a fonctionnaire or civil servant , also has authority , which as well as the requirement to deliver to pupils something more or less resembling the words in the programme , includes also the authority to interpret , modify , supplement and extend .
2 Particularly where you 've more or less got the idea of it but you think you just want to sort of tidy up a few details an
3 David Hill , the party 's unflappable director of communications , has more than adequately filled the role performed by Peter Mandelson in 1987 .
4 Of course , there are times when a greater sense of control does more than simply enhance the driving experience .
5 But it will also be evident that Saussurean linguistics did much more than simply reinforce the Formalists ' view of literature .
6 It is clear that more than simply reproducing the words in their correct order is required .
7 Operators also do more than just answer the phone .
8 Setting up a task involves more than just typing the job in a box and putting it onto your timescale .
9 Removing a Windows application involves more than just deleting the icon from the Program Manager .
10 The pictures , on the other hand , must do more than just illustrate the story .
11 Fokine wanted to make dance rhythm visible by more than just marking the beats .
12 But cutting greenhouse emissions from transport will take more than just improving the efficiency of cars and trucks .
13 This is carried out in relatively modern mercury and diaphragm electrochemical cells and consumes huge amounts of electricity — more than enough to power the city of Liverpool .
14 This both attenuates the force of the current occupationalist attack upon the liberal education tradition and suggests that occupationalist objectives will do little more than merely dilute the quality of the education which pupils might otherwise have received .
15 He has more than likely planned the expedition for the half of the day when it is not Northumberland Avenue 's turn for heating .
16 And what 's the point of spending money on them if , when it comes to the crunch , you have to act as a ‘ human filter ’ on daily call , lugging foam cartridges or whatever from your pump intake , dripping the sludge across the carpet and more than likely blocking the sink ?
17 And nodding his head in agreement with that , Mr Wolski took his broom and went off down the path away from the Cages , for it saddened him more and more to see the eagles there .
18 As more and more accumulated the pressure built up : under these circumstances he hoped that a really effective way of making helium might result .
19 That 's why I 'm saying to everyone that we should build it with two lanes and no more and so restricting the chance of it ever being a motorway .
20 Impartial advice and support , and up to the minute information , can dramatically increase the value of your software , enabling you to achieve more and really reap the benefits of the investment you have made .
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