Example sentences of "still [verb] an [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even close up the Mad Axe still has an air of quality about it and the finish is one of the best I 've seen on a Korean guitar .
2 Along each side of the long window hung a heavy brocade curtain , the colour having long since disappeared , but which still retained an air of quality .
3 But in April it still retained an image of patriotism and integrity , attracting by this the support of financiers and of the Rothermere press .
4 Like most of the colleges , it still maintains an air of tradition and history .
5 The most appealing aspect of The Smiths is their charisma — working class street boys made good but still retain an aura of mystery .
6 The bottom room , with Its two huge grinding-wheels of burr-granite propped against the wall and its lingering smell of flour , still held an air of mystery , of time held in abeyance , of a place bereft of its purpose and meaning , so that he never entered it without a slight sense of desolation .
7 I still have an abundance of energy that leaves my contemporaries standing .
8 It is often the way with Mughal ruins : while the more primitive forts which preceded them still have an aura of power as they rise solid and impregnable from the burning plains , the silky refinement expressed in Mughal architecture turns , in decay , to something approaching seediness .
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