Example sentences of "still [verb] the [noun] and [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They refused still to attend the kirk and word had got around that they had been married by ‘ The Prophet ’ .
2 The legacy of the different cultures which evolved within these four areas still influences the attitudes and ways of life of Yugoslav people today .
3 Travel by train still holds the excitement and anticipation of a real journey .
4 the candidate still has the knowledge and skills gained previously through experience or qualification
5 She still needs the security and familiarity of the world she 's always known .
6 The wind still moved the grass and flowers , and there were no animals around ; even the gulls had n't spotted the carrion yet .
7 There is still the , the main focus of the scheme is still repaving the surface and tree planting .
8 Even though his house is leaning over , the sides of the windows still meet the tops and bottoms of the windows at right angles .
9 Many elderly people have a wide range of interests , maintain them — if only through reading — right on into old age , and still enjoy the cut and thrust of discussion and debate ; but we have to accept the fact that for some , the main topics of conversation will be their own and other people 's health , past reminiscences , and family matters .
10 I have still got the thoughts and prayers for others who are left in Iraq , who are very ill and very , very old , and er I hope they will be with their family like my husband is going to come with me today , and I think it 's a very very happy news .
11 They still owed the grocer and Dad said he had had to pay another month 's rent .
12 Having spent himself , he had still found the will and strength to move away after he had withdrawn from her , so that they lay without touching , the space between them painfully eloquent , the gleaming coppery curve of the shoulder that he presented to her even more hurtful .
13 Another son-in-law , Richard Barnett , on Thornton 's retirement in 1817 , took up the reins of management and was still running the Guildford and Oxford theatres on the circuit until almost mid-century .
14 Nick was runner-up in the 200m individual medley and Susan was third in the 200m butterfly and although sixth in the 100m freestyle , such was the high standard that she still broke the Northumberland and Durham junior and senior open women 's records .
15 She guessed they 'd come about twenty yards inland ; she could still hear the sigh and fall of the incoming tide .
16 Many off-road drivers see it as a challenge and while a voluntary code of practice has reduced the number of cars and bikes on Sundays and bank holidays , some are still upsetting the walkers and riders .
17 ‘ The commercial aspects are very good , of course — though I still find the teaching and research spin-offs the most exciting part of it all , ’ says Dr Jones .
18 They still use the horse and dray , which he remembers going out on when he was a boy .
19 I think there is an element of contrariness about them but if they were really honest with themselves deep down , I do n't think they would be happy if their records went in at number 150 and they were still playing The Bull And Gate .
20 The skin was bad and boils would still stalk the neck and shoulders .
21 The forces of nature , even today , are in control , and a winter storm which will inconvenience town and city dwellers can still devastate the hopes and aspirations and the economic structure of a Dales community .
22 They still exchanged gifts and trade with the Emperor ; they still had the interest and friendship of Pope Leo , even though for a year the Pope had been not in Rome but in Germany , caught by the cry for a mediator between attacking Germany and defending Hungary ; pressed by the fighting in Italy to beg help against the triumphant Normans .
23 Everyone , however conditioned by family and society , still retains the dignity and freedom given by God , of exercising their own will and choosing good or evil .
24 15.16–72 ) : " The settlers from Phocaea , though surrounded by arrogant tribes and kept in awe by the savage rites of their barbarous neighbours , still retain the manners and dress of their ancient home among warlike populations . "
25 It would have boats on it , lights and music , and people still thronging the bars and restaurants .
26 Francis still likes the Lasagne and Tagliatelle approach , but he 's doing it less forcefully now .
27 The Fantasia in F minor , written for mechanical organ but one of the composer 's most intensely dramatic utterances , comes off fairly well ( but not as well as with Frantz and Eschenbach , who are compelling in this great work ) , but I still prefer the weight and variety of organ tone here ; and if the Adagio of the C minor Fugue with its two-piano writing is a trifle ponderous , the D major Sonata for two pianos that follows is not all so .
28 Records in England and Wales and Northern Ireland , however , still held the names and addresses of many who had long ceased to practise , some of them no longer alive , and so the records as they stood could not be described as ‘ live ’ .
29 I still have the tractor and trailer .
30 But there is a great deal more that I want to do with my life and I think I should start while I still have the energy and enthusiasm . ’
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