Example sentences of "still [verb] the [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 • Many dental and child health authorities still advocate the use of fluoride tablets and drops for pregnant women and for children from birth .
2 And although the technology is different , it still involves the use of mercury .
3 Here there is a calm sense of wonder and satisfaction coming down gently from the previous energetic emotion with the sigh of , ‘ Ah ’ , but still maintaining the feeling of happiness and ‘ brightness ’ with words such as ‘ white ’ and ‘ flame ’ with references to nature and ‘ bird-song ’ .
4 We will enable village schools that wish to apply for Grant-Maintained status to do so in small groups , thus enabling them to share management tasks while still enjoying the benefits of independence .
5 This stuff here , which is actually dried out but it 's you can smell it , it still has the aroma of linseed oil which is what it is .
6 Perhaps it still has the charm of novelty ? ’
7 Like many other blue-chip companies , Cadbury Schweppes employ headhunters exceptionally and sparingly , giving more attention to internal promotion and internal management development ; yet they still acknowledge the value of executive search .
8 She has to decide , as she goes , how and when to weave in new strands and drop old ones , still keeping the continuity of design .
9 After this , I still found the problems of pragmatics a challenge , requiring the revision of the whole approach to language ( and particularly meaning ) which I had taken up to that time .
10 Despite a limited , well documented depth of vascular injury the argon laser in combination with automated scanning devices is often still considered the treatment of choice in mature portwine stain .
11 Leathery tans long since fell from favour , but a healthy glow is still considered the picture of vitality .
12 But whatever the symbolic significance of these ceremonies may have been , it is clear that in practice Henry still retained the reins of power .
13 By May the Smolensk authorities were writing that the ‘ black ’ Bishop Philip in the city still opposed the collection of church valuables , whereas the rural ‘ white ’ clergy assented to it .
14 Already in The Black Riders , though , he has begun to grow up and Violet Needham has begun to equip him for the role of teacher and mentor even as he is still meeting the challenge of danger with the eager opportunism of a boy .
15 Turning my back on my husband , you say ; and yes , I did , because I could still smell the whores of Bog 's End on him .
16 The heir to the Blenheim Palace estate is now serving his third jail sentence , but unless the law is changed he will still inherit the title of Duke of Marlborough .
17 I can still see the looks of astonishment on his friends ’ faces when they saw me , a white man , drinking out of the same glass . ’
18 They must once have been the focus of her beauty , and although they were sunken now , he could still see the glint of intelligence behind them .
19 Police believe the body may have been in the field for several weeks and they 're still investigating the cause of death .
20 Last October , Glasgow High-Kelvinside administered a 56-13 thrashing to Heriot 's in a Division I match , yet such has been the turnround in both clubs ' fortunes since then , when the clubs meet in a friendly at Goldenacre tomorrow it 's GH-K , who still face the possibility of relegation , while Heriot 's have accelerated into mid-table .
21 Even though democracy has been a disappointment , Bobbio still prefers the rule of law to the rule of men as hailed by participatory theorists .
22 I still remember the feeling of hopelessness as I sat and looked at a board covered with arrows and lines , the words ‘ tacking ’ , ‘ rigging ’ , ‘ wind direction ’ and ‘ points of sailing ’ floating around in my head .
23 Can we lessen the number of family black sheep and still maintain the spice of difference .
24 WC apps : 1st time Jack Charlton is still riding the wave of optimism that bore the Irish through the European Championship .
25 Although still nominally under the CID organizational structure , and still holding the title of detective , I was detailed to deal with the new and very ambiguous ‘ prig ’ — the drug user .
26 Cobalt shook his head , which might have meant he did n't know or might have been admonishment for Oliver who was still holding the bottle of wine .
27 Mary Ann was still holding the plate of temptation over the table .
28 He went swiftly through the house , still holding the piece of piping .
29 However , in some areas where religious loyalties remain strong , such loyalties can still alter the pattern of class voting .
30 Many are still facing the uncertainty of life in refugee camps a year after leaving their homes .
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