Example sentences of "must have been [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So what we know is that this must have been blocked up before this doorway was inserted , okay ?
2 The hon. Member for Dagenham must have been speaking out of turn at that time ; he has certainly been nobbled since .
3 ‘ Folk must have been swept out to sea .
4 ‘ Come on , ye had the opportunity , and after that extraordinary scene in the garden ye must have been bubblin' over with curiosity . ’
5 The applause from the crowd round the green must have been heard back at the clubhouse .
6 Therefore , most of the King 's resources must have been bound up in those ships and the various uses he could make of them .
7 This still lovely riverine landscape must have been settling down from its major reshaping when William Morris bought Kelmscott Manor in 1871 .
8 Only later , when we saw the photographs , did we appreciate that Donnelly must have been magicked out of the car at the precise millisecond when the car exploded on impact .
9 ‘ Those carvings in the museum must have been tossed out with the rubble when they dug this place , ’ she suggested to Benny .
10 Whiteman , who played in the 1992 debacle , must have been spurred on by the memory as his rink took 13 shots over the last six ends while preventing the opposition from any further score .
11 Its body was covered with a rough hair plagued with small ticks , and the skin was hardened with the scales of a fish , but its human parts were more like those of a sickly angel than of a man , for its hands were tense and agile , its eyes large and gloomy , and on its shoulder-blades it had the scarred-over and calloused stumps of powerful wings which must have been chopped off by a woodman 's axe .
12 ‘ It must have been blasted off at the weak point of the stalk , ’ the Environments Officer continued .
13 Only that she must have been holding out on him all these years , that she did have memories which she had covered up or , to give her the benefit of the doubt , conveniently forgotten about .
14 At first the new mountains must have been worn down with great rapidity to produce the vast quantities of Neogene conglomerates .
15 He must have been hiding out with Tanner , or gone round to scrounge a meal . ’
16 They must have been filled in at the bank either by Mr Hatton himself or else by the cashier who was attending to him . ’
17 I 've been looking for him all afternoon , but he must have been tied up with work .
18 Therefore either the customers must continually be changing identity ( so it is sensible for them to engage in some search ) and some expectation must have been built up about potential high benefits to search , or else search costs must be truly trivial , in order for the potential incumbent to stand a chance of usurping the established firm .
19 All this head of steam must have been boiling up at the time of JTR 's visit and yet he seems not to have been aware of it .
20 I think I must have been knocked down by a car . ’
21 I think he must have been put in from a boat . "
22 An ordinary person must have been put out by this .
23 They must have been washed up on this ancient beach after being torn from their moorings , perhaps by a storm .
24 We must have been going round like zombies .
25 The argument must have been going on for some time , although Lucien had been hardly aware of it .
26 It is a sort of cultural conflict which must have been going on in the husband 's mind .
27 On the last day of the 1988 American presidential election Dukakis went on a whirlwind tour that must have been dreamed up by a desperate team .
28 It was discovered as recently as 1983 by Alain le Brun when excavating at the Neolithic settlement of Khirokitia in southern Cyprus and has been found to date from 6000 B.C. The important point about its location is that Cyprus has no wild cats and this means that the animal must have been brought over to the island by the early human settlers .
29 The creation of this literature in Latin involved men whose native language was either certainly or probably not Latin : Livius Andronicus ' first language was Greek ; Ennius had Oscan ; Naevius , being a Campanian , probably also spoke Oscan as a child ; Plautus must have been brought up on Umbrian , and Terence apparently started with Punic .
30 One would have thought that she must have been brought in from that area .
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