Example sentences of "must be [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There are stories of gangs of roughs waylaying cyclists and pelting them with stones , and in one case a South London cowboy was brought before Lambeth court for lassoing cyclists — ‘ a kind of horseplay that must be stamped out at once ’ said the magistrate , with good reason .
2 Even laundering the figures in Warlow 's favour , only one out of every 28 newborn planets will have any effect on us , so planets must be popping out from somewhere every century or so .
3 To impose the condition that disabled parking spaces must be taken up before 10.30am will render it impossible for many , many of them to take advantage of this ‘ concession . ’
4 Must be torn up at once .
5 Yet Hitler himself referred to the S.A.S. as ‘ so-called commandos who are recruited in part from common criminals released from prison … captured S.A.S. troops must be handed over at once to the nearest Gestapo unit … these men are very dangerous , and the presence of S.A.S. troops must be immediately reported … they must be ruthlessly exterminated . ’
6 Once dry , each coat must be rubbed down with very fine glasspaper to give a surface that is as smooth as possible .
7 Whenever a pig or chicken is killed , it must be shared out in exactly equal portions among all the members of the community , without regard to their age , sex , status as kinsman , or previous relationship with the sponsor of the sacrifice .
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