Example sentences of "must be [verb] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If a plaintiff abandons the excess of his claim to bring it within the jurisdiction of the county court , the abandonment must be stated at the end of the particulars ( Ord 6 , r 1(3) ) .
2 Since no firm of solicitors can ever afford to retain the services of any employee or partner whose conduct tends to reflect ill on the reputation of the practice , and since the circumstances may rarely be so clear cut as to secure withdrawal from the firm by consent , thorough consideration must be given at the outset to the conditions for expelling partners .
3 The age of the child on the date of departure must be given at the time of booking and confirmed on the Booking Form .
4 The direction must be given at the time of the refusal .
5 It must be done at the time .
6 Although the rated pole winding current depends only on the acceptable temperature rise , the corresponding rated phase current also depends 01 , the inter-connection , as shown in Table 1.1 : The rated phase voltage is the voltage which must be applied at the phase terminals to circulate the rated current in the windings .
7 Is n't it obvious within a second that you must be looking at the husband and wife ?
8 the respondent 's observations must be received at the Association 's offices within 14 days ; if none is received within this time the Director and honourary officers will have to consider such evidence as is available to them .
9 These records must be kept at the company 's registered office .
10 Full payment for the holiday , including insurance premiums , must be made at the time of booking in order to secure the reservation .
11 There is an optional excursion to Abu Simbel , reservations for which must be made at the time of booking your holiday .
12 Usually a function word or affix can not be substituted , so substitution must be made at the slot with which the function word is more closely related , in this example the object or the verb .
13 The disadvantages are that although most auctions allow a viewing period before the bidding starts , you have only a limited amount of time to examine the rugs , and full payment must be made at the end of the auction .
14 This is an immediate power which must be exercised at the time of the arrest .
15 But it must be recognized at the outset that as soon as sampling is carried out the statements made about the cases involved become probability statements .
16 He said Mr Brooke had nothing to offer the people of Northern Ireland and he told the House : ‘ There must be condemnation of those who fail to take on the IRA and the finger must be pointed at the Secretary of State and those behind him .
17 There must also be condemnation for those who fail to take on the IRA , and the finger must be pointed at the Secretary of State and those who sit behind him .
18 The message at the press conference — and in the newspapers — was clear : the finger of suspicion must be pointed at the vegan diet offered at Bristol .
19 Thus the base of the Epicene System must be defined at the bottom of its basal Binomial Series , and the base of that Series must be defined at the bottom of the basal Para Zone .
20 Thus the base of the Epicene System must be defined at the bottom of its basal Binomial Series , and the base of that Series must be defined at the bottom of the basal Para Zone .
21 Prayers must be moved at the end of the day 's business , an unpopular time .
22 Indeed , in the range of kinds of organisations recognisably co-operative , it must be placed at the extreme .
23 Eighteenth-century politics have long had an unsavoury reputation , and although in the case of Scotland much of that reputation can be traced to the persuasive , but not strictly accurate , writings of Henry Cockburn and other Whig reformers of the early nineteenth century , it must be conceded at the outset that there is something to be said for the received account .
24 The images of vision are of the same order as creative ideas , but the mind must be aimed at the horizon , and the thoughts must be concentrated in the emotion of creativity .
25 The inevitability of partners leaving the firm for one reason or another is a matter which must be addressed at the outset when considering the terms of the partnership agreement .
26 And Rozario looks in trouble at the moment he is just er limping around he 's sunk back to his er hands on his knees again and well look at that he you do n't really need words to describe how he must be feeling at the moment .
27 These are only a few of the choices before them , but even these are very difficult to prioritize and at times some of them must be sacrificed at the expense of others in this play .
28 DEF must be used at the start of a program line .
29 If you want one , we can do it at the same time as the valuation , at a reduced fee , but we must be told at the outset .
30 If you require payments on account of costs or in advance of disbursements , or you reserve the right to raise hourly rates during the lifetime of the case , the client must be told at the outset of the case .
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