Example sentences of "must have been [adv] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 I THINK I must have been slightly mad for most of my life .
2 Life must have been rather harder for the one Dissenter in Walberton .
3 The first appearance at away matches of massive groups of skinheads , all uniformly dressed and intent on smashing their opponents into the ground , must have been rather unnerving for the managers of those clubs who were hoping to turn football watching into a family outing .
4 It must have been rather unnerving for him to see his room thus turned upside down .
5 The car must have been exceptionally sturdy for it often had me driving and pedalling like mad , with one friend perched on the bonnet and another on the back .
6 ‘ It must have been pretty horrific for everyone watching , ’ Croft apologised after grinding down Alison Smith 6-4 6-7 6-3 to reach the second round of the Volkswagen National championships .
7 ‘ That must have been pretty frightful for you , ’ said Sophie , her optimism regenerated .
8 ‘ It must have been pretty horrendous for the spectators , ’ she confessed .
9 ‘ I 'm sure it must have been quite dreadful for you , my dear , ’ said Frau Zimmerman , apparently taking the fräulein 's last remark to refer to her recent ordeal in the Bauernmarkt .
10 The war years must have been really frustrating for the early Rottweiler enthusiasts .
11 It must have been really strange for her , going to a new school all on her own , and a convent school at that , with nuns like great black crows floating down the corridors and carrying her off to chapel .
12 " I think I learnt a few things , " laughs Eva though at the time it must have been extremely painful for the girl who had " excelled at everything " .
13 But as Brown Owl pinned my Promise Badge on me , and said , ‘ I trust you to keep the Promise ’ , the excitement must have been too much for Natalie !
14 I got up to go to the toilet but they er must have been too quick for me , .
15 It must have been very galling for Major , when he established membership of the A-Team to write the election manifesto , that he had to choose for it those very men who are most likely to profit from his failure .
16 That must have been very irritating for you . ’
17 The prestige of Oswiu 's family , or else its capacity for intimidation , must have been very considerable for Aldfrith to return and rule in what seems to have been domestic peace .
18 Its influence must have been very considerable for the boy to have been so successfully supported for the kingship against an adult rival .
19 Becoming a farmer 's wife must have been very difficult for Grandma .
20 Life must have been very hard for many of these poor women . ’
21 Making him into a saint must have been highly embarrassing for the opposition , and some of the satisfaction derived thereby is hinted at in a probably contemporary poem in the Chronicle .
22 As a consequence , feudal contracts in the full sense of the term must have been more important for supplying castle-guard than for campaigning ( though it would be pushing the argument too far to deny them any significance in the field ) .
23 Many of the linguistic elements are borrowed from Tolkien and — which must have been more exasperating for their originator — changed and got ‘ wrong ’ .
24 The pressure to please must have been especially strong for women writers who , if they wrote novels of ideas , were in danger of either being rejected as over-cerebral or having the intellectual content of their work ignored .
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