Example sentences of "must [vb infin] their [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The persons who wish to issue a prospectus must make their submissions to the Authority on the basis of uberrimae fidei .
2 In particular , the Panel is concerned that it should be made clear in the offer document , acceptance form and subsequent documents whether shareholders must lodge their certificates by the closing date of the cash underwritten alternative in addition to their completed acceptance forms in order to receive cash ( see para 11.3.16 below ) .
3 Nevertheless , the 1980 Act makes it abundantly clear that , though districts are the development control authorities , they must direct their decisions to the implementation of the structure plan for their area .
4 They must present their arguments to the public , using whatever honest strategies they consider appropriate .
5 All Winners will be notified within four weeks and must claim their prizes at the very latest by Friday 22nd June .
6 That is why we must have complaints procedures that can be worked and really do work , why authorities must use their powers in the proper way and why we must have constant vigilance .
7 They must exercise their powers in the interests of the exchange , rather than for their own benefit .
8 Section 324 specifies that directors must disclose their shareholdings in the company in question and its related companies , while s.325 makes it obligatory for the company to keep a record of all of its directors ' interests .
9 It also describes the way the New OED Computer Group and the Computer Services Department must complete their sections of the forms to inform the lexicographers that the tasks set by the issuing of these forms have been completed .
10 On their forays to Britain they employed ridicule against the snobbery of golf clubs which insisted that the golfing untouchables must change their boots in the pro 's shop .
11 The attitude that smoking is anti-social is gaining currency among the more articulate , better educated and more aware groups in society , but the vicious corollary is that the tobacco and advertising industries must get their recruits from the lower end of the socio-economic scale .
12 Under the new Extra Statutory Concession , the conditions for a blanket election to be accepted are that the firm must have at least 50 partners ( or fewer if at least 20 partners are not resident in the UK ) , and new partners must add their names to the election .
13 Where the company is seeking general authority to purchase shares in the market they must state their intentions regarding the authority granted .
14 Visitors to Yordas Cave who have left their cars parked at or near Masongill must retrace their steps along the Turbary Road , a walk equally enjoyable when done in reverse .
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