Example sentences of "must [vb infin] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone working seriously on the social and economic history of the sixteenth , seventeenth and eighteenth centuries must become acquainted with the major findings of this demographic research .
2 Danish interest in conquering England , if indulged by Harald at all , must have lapsed during the fatal quarrel with his son Swegen .
3 He thought this one must have escaped from the National Theatre down the road .
4 Added to this the partner of the black hole must have swollen to the giant stage in order that material can be transferred rapidly enough to give an accretion disc that produces detectable numbers of X-rays .
5 Traherne must have conformed to the religious requirements of the Commonwealth .
6 She must have run through the opposite end of the colonnade and round the back of the house .
7 It stands solidly still , much as it must have done in the eighteen hundreds , though minus :
8 The kitchen is particularly fascinating with its full array of cooking equipment looking much as it must have done in the 18th Century .
9 Everything was checked and locked up and it must have gone during the late night or early morning , Thursday night/Friday morning .
10 This group must have separated from the ancestral flatworms at a very early stage indeed , long before the split between the molluscs and the segmented worms .
11 ‘ I feel I must have trained in the Dark Ages .
12 I must have looked like the mad ape that wandered the streets of our village with its gypsy owner .
13 From the Communist point of view the witch-hunts and loyalty tests of the United States must have looked like the little puffs of smoke and flame of a stage dragon which fooled nobody .
14 My roots and my family 's have gone deeply into the fields and woods which the General must have owned in the 18th Century . ’
15 Something very funny must have happened to the hon. Member for Dagenham on his way to the Chamber .
16 One of the main things that must have happened in the early evolution of living organisms was an increase in the numbers of genes participating in such cooperatives .
17 This must have happened in the late third century .
18 There is no need to assume the writer of Genesis must have drawn on the Babylonian stories for his information .
19 When Hannah was a child , running water meant the stream in the field and such things as electricity , the internal combustion engine and even the wireless were available only on another planet or so it must have seemed to the average resident of this remote and lovely but intensely deprived valley .
20 Though a reconsecrated Chad was shortly afterwards appointed bishop of Lichfield with Oswiu 's consent , this must have seemed to the northern king a high-handed way for the new archbishop to act .
21 And it is hard to ignore the significance of Smith 's Crisps , whose many non-meat flavours must have appealed to the young Morrissey .
22 There was no [ overt ] Dionysiac worship among the Greeks at this time ; and though they must have known of the near-Eastern festivals , the savage excesses of those cults were totally alien to them , at least on a conscious level , and were rejected uncompromisingly .
23 Although islands may be formed by a variety of processes , such as vulcanism , tectonic movements and accumulation , many of the world 's present islands must have resulted from the Post-glacial rise of sea level .
24 A second-century cremation cemetery has been uncovered south of the defended area in Swan Street ; it was claimed to have been receiving additional burials as late as the third and fourth centuries , when it must have lain within the built-up area .
25 He must have come across the low fences that separated the row of back gardens .
26 The buyer in possession must have acted in the normal course of business of a mercantile agent .
27 Energy must have abounded in the early walkers .
28 There is a component of the overtone , and this component must have mixed with the fundamental to produce two bands of similar intensity , each being more-or-less half fundamental and half overtone .
29 It is intriguing to speculate , as you stand in a swamp listening to this astounding and deafening chorus , that , although much must have changed in the millions of years since the first amphibians appeared , it was , nonetheless , an amphibian voice that first sounded over the land which , until then , had heard nothing but the chirps and whirrs of insects .
30 She thought I must have died in the previous night 's snowstorm .
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