Example sentences of "tell i [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Told me to wait for the horse to lift its tail . ’
2 A powerful urge told me to return to the station and get on the train back to Jamila 's place .
3 When I caught up with Jean-Claude , he told me to return to the cottage alone .
4 ‘ A few minutes later two guys came running in with masks on they were both shouting and swearing and told me to lie on the ground .
5 He told me to look across the moor to a place which was a bright green colour .
6 ‘ This woman told me to come to the church and do some healing . ’
7 ‘ Exactly as he phoned me last night , and told me to come to the wedding . ’
8 Th they told me to default on the mortgage that I 'm paying for the property that my wife lives in , because the assessment does n't take into account that I
9 ’ He told me to write with the head , and not with the heart .
10 I told her what had happened and she took it all in her stride , and once she 'd stopped laughing about Simon she told me to head for the pub where I 'd dropped Clara .
11 Francis told me to stay in the cabana while you were there 'cause you were his wife .
12 ‘ He told me to stay in the house — not to go out . ’
13 Maggie tells me to wait in the car .
14 Please do n't tell me to run in the park like everybody else .
15 They 're telling me to go on the stage and act , but I ca n't do it , it 's the one thing Mum and Dad are dead set against . ’
16 After a short , complicated conversation in our melange of languages , she left me to battle with my clothes and the shower , returning only to tell me to come to the house of Sheikha Grandmother .
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