Example sentences of "come [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Manpower had come down over the years from 470,000 in 1960 to 215,000 twenty years later , but the business was still over-staffed .
2 This was used by Bourgeois and Certon for Ps. 36 and Goudimel for Ps. 68 , ‘ Que Dieu se montre seulement ’ , but has come down through the centuries as a hymn to Sebaldus Heyden 's words ‘ O Mensch bewein dein Sunde gross ’ .
3 Her spirits had come down from the heights to the abyss .
4 This was odd , since the BBC had just come up with the figures of 301 for the Tories and 298 for Labour .
5 At the end of a few minutes , he had agreed to get Landau , and she had come up with the names of banks and accounts for both Foster and Landau , and the place where he could lay hands on Pete Foster .
6 Middlesbrough 's shambolic defenders failed to come up with the answers to the riddles posed by Rosenthal 's direct running .
7 It had not been hard to persuade Brian to come up with the fees for university .
8 However , its subsidiary , Barclays Direct Mortgage Services , was able to come up with the sums in a matter of days .
9 So , for example , when I ask a group of students at the beginning of an interdisciplinary course in women 's writing and the visual arts , to come up with the names of any contemporary women artists , they can rarely mention more than one or two .
10 Logically , it would make sense to assume that the aircraft failed to come up to the standards of performance and aggressive capability which the Soviets expected of it .
11 Thus all rations for the men at the front had to come up on the backs of other men .
12 When it was Meehan 's turn and they asked him what he had been doing that night , he said he had driven to Stranraer ( to case the motor taxation office , he admitted later ) with an Englishman called Jim Griffiths ; and they had come back via the outskirts of Ayr in the early hours of the morning .
13 These men had come out of the tubes of a submarine , probably a Delta class .
14 However , none of us should forget the relief of misery and the ending of conflict which have come about through the changes in Ethiopia , in Angola and in Cambodia , and we should not forget the changes in Vietnam , in Mozambique and in the western Sahara .
15 Thousands of ethnic Serbs came on to the streets in their support .
16 his feet came down to the knees on it
17 The vicar ‘ came down to the steps at the top of the nave , accompanied by a server with a basket of palms and we all went up and got one except J[ack] . ’
18 It was still warm during the day , and the sun came in over the trees of the forest outside the camp .
19 The model came in with the cups of tea , still glowering darkly at Paula from beneath her fringe of false eyelashes .
20 WC apps : 8 Runners-up : 1958 After flirting with failure , the Swedes came through to the finals with a point to spare after a 2-0 victory in Poland in their last qualifying game .
21 In terms of Greater York and its th the York greenbelt I think it 's true to say that er some time ago when David Kaiserman of Manchester did research on greenbelts he came to the view , or he came up with the conclusions from his questionnaires that he sent round , and that study was done , must be ten , fifteen years ago or more , that greenbelts should endure unchanged for at least twenty years , and probably in excess of thirty , and those were the responses of county planning and other major planning authorities at that time , that view if anything has hardened , the public view would be way beyond thirty years .
22 It was a day of mixed emotions for a player who came up through the ranks at Ayresome Park .
23 Many of today 's athletic superstars , such as Linford Christie , Colin Jackson , Roger Black , Sally Gunnell and Liz McColgan came up through the ranks of schools athletics .
24 The inspector was standing in a public place at the time , and of course this message came up over the radios of all police officers on the Division …
25 I missed several classes because they put me up in , for instance I , when I came up from the infants to the big school I missed the first standard and they put me into standard two and I went from two , three , four , five , six , seven and seven and I was only eleven , you see , so I did pretty well and then the Headmaster came to my parents and said , why do n't you let her go in for a scholarship to Stowmarket Secondary and so I went in for that and er there was one other girl went as well , there were two of us and erm , and of course we only heard during the summer break and er we passed .
26 Of course , once we got into government a great many of our ambitions and aims and the ideas we 'd seized hold of from talking to the Americans , people like Robert McNamara for instance , of the American Department of Defense , came up against the realities of Whitehall .
27 Down she went and came back with the cups of tea and slices of cake on a tray .
28 Then I came back to the courts at Bisham again before going back to school again at 3pm for history and then I come back and play again afterwards .
29 Then they came back to the families in batches , sometimes several hundred at a time .
30 In summing up what they learned from their primary and middle school case studies , Briault and West ( 1990:99 ) came back to the purposes of good management : The objective of management , in whatever sphere , is to improve the product and to meet the customer 's requirements .
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