Example sentences of "come [adv prt] [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In nightclubs and pop promo videos , it 's as if the banshees have come down screaming from the catwalk , staggering in their stilettos under the weight of their Max Factor cosmetics and costume jewellery .
2 They 've come along to talk about the Services for Industry programme , and what the University can offer local firms .
3 Waking in our bed one morning , we 'll hear a chorus of trills and cheeps ; fun has come back to cluster in the branches of the tree outside our window .
4 In fact , liberal or not , she has come back to work for the ANC , though her exact capacity is not made clear .
5 Stephen had them in the handsome , leather-bound edition of the International Collectors ' Library and also in the paperbacks that had come out to go with the television series .
6 This morning Betty — my cleaner — came in bursting with the news that there was a brass plate outside .
7 A few days after that Norman Prince , the founder of the Lafayette , flying long and late in an attempt to avenge Rockwell , hit a high-tension cable as he came in to land in the dark .
8 Just before she turned the sign on the door round to read ‘ Closed ’ , a woman came in to look at the toys .
9 Rob came over to perch on the corner of her desk .
10 The eerie lights would hang in the air for quite some time then the mortars came over to burst at the edge of the wood .
11 The ever increasing army of tourists who came up to look at the scenery was growing .
12 They were among a few people who came back to see over the property again quite a few times , and I met their sons .
13 I carried on , then came back to live in the North but it just seems to have been a really cemented bond . ’
14 Still looking doubtful , she went off to fill the order , and when Ellie had eaten it all , down to the very last scrap , and had two cups of coffee , she came back to stand at the table , full of admiration and amazement .
15 The world No 51 came out fighting in the evening .
16 And you ken and all their friends and neighbours came around to help with the harvest they 'd have this home brew .
17 She cut through the heady memories and concentrated her mind on what Steve was saying while she watched a superb glossy white yacht coming in to berth at the jetty not fifty metres from the window of the restaurant .
18 Dave Crabb is coming over to help with the design and building chores .
19 She put it down , all the same , on the counter , but we did n't talk much longer as the revellers from the rear began coming through to go to the bedrooms .
20 The bar was crowded with men coming off shift from the electronics factory all arguing heatedly about a disputed penalty in a soccer match being shown on a T.V. set above the counter , the fact that the match had taken place two months before in no way diminishing the fervour of the argument .
21 ‘ And it keeps getting bigger and bigger , and so we keep coming back to complain about the size of the hotels and the lousy service , and STOP PUTTING CUCUMBER AND BUTTER ON MY F***ING SANDWICHES !
22 ‘ People are coming back to work in the office downstairs from Monday , you know .
23 I did Hope that Lord Nelson who was staying at Raby might come down to partake of the fayre which had been set out on a Royal Oak table decorated with a huge Wheatsheaf , Blue Bells and a small Green Tree that looked very much like Three Tuns .
24 Now erm that might come in come into the car .
25 They come out to feed on the insects and other invertebrates that swarm on the soft oozy surface of the mud .
26 This means that not only can aspiring professionals come back to play in the Home Internationals afterwards , even if they have been successful , but also that they are in a position to change their minds if successful .
27 There is also a health visitor who comes in to teach on the childcare course and to discuss any health problems , and a doctor who visits monthly to give inoculations and deal with any other aspects of health care .
28 John feels better , so he comes down to sit at the kitchen table and chat .
29 ‘ Tell her , if she comes back bothering about the hay , she can turn it herself .
30 And when the time comes round to return to the office , it 's just five miles to the M 5 motorway .
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