Example sentences of "come [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When the Gruagach had come storming down from the Northern Wastes and attacked Tara and stolen away the Wolfking 's son , Tara 's heir , the people of the half-world of the forest had vanished , afraid and timid .
2 Vincent barely managed to keep his temper in check in the blast of this ‘ raw north wind ’ that had come howling in through the front door .
3 But when the death coach came galloping out of the wild black sky to take Darby O'Gill to hell , it fairly put the fear of God in me ; more so than any clergyman before or since , however vivid their threats of eternal damnation .
4 A stray , dingy orange kitten came yowling up to the back door one night .
5 As the sun rose higher , shortening the shadows and drawing the dew from the grass , most of the rabbits came wandering back to the sun-flecked shade among the cow-parsley along the edge of the ditch .
6 Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder and the heavens burst sending us scuttling into the woods for shelter , but it was n't long before the rain got through and drenched us with miniature Niagaras that came cascading down from the broad leaves .
7 Just as her words were out one of the charity women came chattering in through the open doors to the terrace .
8 He was about to leave the foundry and continue his journey when an apprentice came rushing in with the loveliest girl he had seen in a long while , and his heart seemed to stop .
9 The highwayman came riding up to the old inn door .
10 In the second half , Joey Beauchamp came flying in like the daring young man on the trapeze .
11 The stories of poverty and struggle got wilder and ever wilder in the publicity office until his family came crawling out of the Middle Ages on all fours !
12 As Mary came running out of the front door it moved off up the drift towards the wood .
13 Gently they lifted the bedraggled form as Bert came lumbering down from the 3 and 4 landing , with Gilbert Forbes behind him , and behind him the trembling form of Jessie , wringing her hands .
14 Next moment the swirling fog in the alley was suddenly lit to a brilliant white by the head lamps of the car which came roaring in at the far end .
15 A woman came stooping out of the felt-covered fowl-house , half-way down the garden ( 19 ) .
16 On this bright evening , they were looped back by twisted and tasselled cords ; light came streaming in through the sashed plate-glass windows .
17 They seemed to have everything in command at Pickie on Saturday , but let the BLI come storming back over the last few ends to win on three of the four rinks .
18 He swerved past it , stopped and , looking back , saw Bigwig come racing in from the opposite side .
19 Do I come running out in the first ten seconds ?
20 It did n't seem right that Ray Doyle might never again come staggering out of the untidy bedroom , curly hair looking a totally dishevelled mess , eyes bleary , to find Bodie sprawled on the settee , bright and cheery and grinning .
21 ‘ If we do not act then thousands more will come floating in on the early spring tides , maybe tens of thousands , even hundreds , and they will bring chaos and suffering on a scale far larger than anything we have seen so far , ’ he warned .
22 It comes trailing in across the seething crowd of heads without a single bite .
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