Example sentences of "come [adv] at [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The reasons for the job cuts are a classified secret , but volunteers for redundancy and early retirement are being urged to come forward at the base in Cheltenham , where seven thousand people work .
2 Its end came only at the end of the century as a result of the Elementary Education ( Blind and Deaf Children ) Act which became law in 1903 .
3 Schooldays and the void they both felt when the boys went off to boarding school , followed by the joy unconfined when they came home at the end of term .
4 Robert Asshe came home at the end of the evening performance , traces of grease-paint still on his face .
5 ‘ I came here at the beginning of the week thinking that this was my last tournament for the year , maybe forever , ’ Evert said .
6 Vice-chairman Sydney Moss revealed : ‘ He came here at the age of four , then stood on the Kop when he was old enough .
7 I came here at the instigation of your letter , believing myself to have secured a position .
8 She obviously uses it each week , so it 's all rotted all coming away at the back of the pan .
9 A stroke does not come suddenly at the age of 75 or 80 and finish life .
10 Future : Jesus who will come again at the end of time as King of Kings ; as Judge of the living and the dead ; and who will usher his faithful people into the Kingdom of his Father .
11 The ‘ first night ’ was always a little tense and emotional as we saw hundreds come forward at the end of the service to commit their lives to Christ .
12 He said , one has to learn that painting well — in the academic and technical sense — comes right at the bottom of the list .
13 The extract comes right at the end of the Foreword .
14 Statements by the West German Bundesbank indicate that it views monetary union as a state which comes only at the end of a very long process of economic convergence .
15 ‘ If things are as you say , then a man can never be sure of his wife ; never be sure that he 'll find her there when he comes home at the end of the day .
16 The most explicit line in the piece , is a line from Owen 's poem , ‘ Strange Meeting ’ which comes almost at the end of the baritone solo in the last section of the War Requiem , the quietly and simply sung ,
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