Example sentences of "come [adv] from the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Reproaching herself for not having unlocked it when she had come in from the main door , she rose quickly and went to open up .
2 A lot of flood water had come down from the upper reaches of the Cherwell , and a body placed in the river , say , at Lonsdale Road …
3 Either a spark had come down from the old fellow 's hole up there or him with hobnail boots had trod on er black powder and set it off and his hole went out underneath his feet .
4 The les fortunate guests had to come daily from the new hotel on Persepolis or even form Shiraz , forty miles away .
5 The report adds that the question of " burden sharing " is crucial , as past accumulations of greenhouse gases have come largely from the industrialised world while future growth is likely to come increasingly from the developing nations .
6 As she lifted it out , she realized that the backing was beginning to come away from the heavy cream cardboard of the mount .
7 Sorry , the ghost has n't come over from the other side of the door , it just keeps moving by itself .
8 ‘ They seemed convinced a whole lot of people had come up from the big city to show off , to be grandees , which was far from the truth .
9 ‘ Many of Scotland 's football stars have come originally from the amateur ranks . ’
10 An Oxford aid worker who 's just come back from the Croatian capital Zagreb , says the situation there is getting out of hand .
11 The report adds that the question of " burden sharing " is crucial , as past accumulations of greenhouse gases have come largely from the industrialised world while future growth is likely to come increasingly from the developing nations .
12 Rope and spars came mostly from the Baltic states and the convoys got through with difficulty .
13 She might have sat all afternoon , nibbling and stuporous , exhausted but not sleepy ; but the glazier finally came down from the upper floor , cheerfully announcing that all was now right and tight and he would be on his way .
14 My talk with Quintin had more content since he said that if another peer came down from the Upper House he would withdraw from public life whether he was in the Upper or Lower House .
15 Thousands of imported sheep had left their devastating mark and the latest ‘ crop ’ , the deer , finished off any saplings the sheep might have missed when they came down from the high tops in the winter .
16 The ceremony was in the hands of Mr Alexander Dubcek , who came in from the political cold less than 24 hours before , to be elected head of the new-style Federal Assembly .
17 But nobody cared for the stones he told And he sat all alone of a night Until one day a traveller came in from the cold A sorry and miserable sight .
18 Grants came in from the Welsh Office , Welsh Tourist Board and the local authorities allowing the newly formed Brecon Mountain Railway Company to take on permanent staff for line construction and a stone-faced workshop ( in keeping with other buildings in the National Park ) built at Pontsticill .
19 A bright red Porsche came in from the wrong end , ignoring the arrows and signs .
20 It was Thursday 5 September and he was about to leave his office to drive to Bramshill Police College to begin a series of lectures to the Senior Command Course when the call came through from the private office .
21 Fearing a tragedy of epic proportions — her mind leapt at once to Penini and then to Miss Arabel — she knocked on the open door and Mr Browning came through from the other room , so haggard and drawn in contrast to his morning self that once more she was convinced something dreadful had happened .
22 Then , two minutes before the end of the game , the news came through from the other ground that Sunderland had lost .
23 The County Council took into account a wide range of considerations , in including the the information that came through from the local plan authorities , in the preparation of their local plans over the past ten years or more .
24 As my hand came away from the trim wheel I touched the auto pilot control and , on looking down .
25 He came away from the Old Entrance , having collected those of the destroyer 's crew not taken off by ML 6 , and as Micky Wynn came up with his special MTB , Robert Ryder told him to fire the torpedoes at the outer lock gate in the Old Entrance .
26 Curtailed in his researches he may have been , but Gould still came away from the parched furnace of the scrubs with some of the rarest novelties yet of his collection and a vast number of specimens of every description .
27 As it came away from the cold flesh , so she cut it into strips , and she wrapped each strip of skin around a piece of bone .
28 Grandest among the hotels is the Imperial , Parkhill Road ( ) , a stately secluded clifftop spot , like a moored cruise ship embalmed in an atmosphere recalling days when Edward VII came ashore from the Royal Yacht .
29 The inspiration for his second name came not from the famous missionary and explorer , but the street in Sydney where his parents ' college had been situated .
30 In the 18 years 1798–1815 inclusive , for each million tons sold there were 0.62 explosions and approximately 11 deaths ; in 1817–1834 inclusive the cost was 0.68 explosions , a 10 per cent increase , but with the loss of only 8.7 lives : for 1839–1844 , this had fallen further to 6.5 lives , But the three periods are not easily comparable ; the new production came not from the old collieries described but from new and ever deeper ones to the south and east made accessible after 1815 by steam-and-gravity operated railways .
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