Example sentences of "come [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 That she had always been in control before he had come on to the scene and turned everything upside-down .
2 Meanwhile one of the adjacent houses on Clifton Park Road had come on to the market and School had bought it .
3 The night shift volunteer was standing next to me getting ready to come on to the phones and as I came off a call he started to chat to me .
4 ‘ I really want someone to come along with an order so I can get on and make half a dozen . ’
5 If they want to come along on the day and enjoy themselves , that 's fine ; we 're even providing a bouncy castle , so children can bounce for the rainforests at the Banbury walk .
6 What 's happened is , of course , that as the costs have fallen and the micros have come in through the door so they 're very much smaller , erm it all becomes possible for the whole of society and not for a tiny elite .
7 The successful receptionist models could be used to devise special training to enable CAB receptionists to ascertain the depth of a problem ; they could serve the dual function of assessing which clients have just come in for a form or a local address and they could make appointments for others in person or by telephone and smooth the queue .
8 The wh he said in fact it 's just come in for the programme or something has n't it .
9 A game of tag ( see below ) may well be just the thing ; but if they 've just come in from the playground and that 's what they 've been doing for the last fifteen minutes , it would be a bit of a waste of time .
10 The train had come in from the sidings and stood in the station , warm and pulsing , its engines reattached , the horses and grooms on board and fresh foods and ice loaded .
11 The local police kindly agreed to come in on the act and a few off-duty policemen pretended to stalk the burglars and locked them up for the night at a disused police station at Ironbridge !
12 They had actually chosen themselves to come in on the study and so they were obviously schools which were particularly interested in involving parents as much as they could , and erm they would all certainly have done as , probably as much as most schools in the country are doing as , as far as involving parents are concerned , both in having parent helpers in the classrooms , and in having organisations for parents and social events for parents of the , of the fundraising type .
13 One moment they seemed to be flying through and over mountains and the next they were skimming over a long , fertile valley , turning to come in with the wind and losing height steadily .
14 All right then well thank you Simon that 's a broad thank you and and thank you very much for your money as well a hundred and fifty quid he gave that 's loads of dosh er to come in for the day as well and I 'm going to take you out for a a nice lunch in a bit when he can wonder around have a poke around everywhere this afternoon too so should be all right should n't it that ?
15 The new machines are expected to come in above the ES/9000s and to dispense with water cooling , while being configurable with up to 100 processors working in parallel .
16 ‘ Now , it 's not unusual for someone to come in off the street and tell us they owe a million . ’
17 Well there was always the parlour , you must have the parlour and er you , you had two living rooms and the one was the parlour and there was a cellar underneath the parlour and er the stairs used to come in from the back and go up , up the stairs over the entrance to the cellar but the stairs used to run up there underneath the stairs was the entrance to the cellar , there was a door , so that you could n't just walk down the cellar without opening the door you see , but apart from that there was er there was just the two , two bedrooms .
18 I think that 's probably come down through the years and things are still that way for musicians : get them as cheap as you can and never give them the credit that they deserve . ’
19 In the twilight of the Great Drought he had come down to the river and filled his wheelbarrow with water until only a Samson could have moved it .
20 Her hand had come down on the spider and it had bitten her .
21 You know , I think we 've that nobody keeps us We 've had a name over the years that we 're an expensive carrier , and it 's just sort of keep going and educating them that we 've come down in the market or ,
22 A branch of the great plane tree had come down in the wind and as he ran back towards the Cages he saw that it had fallen right across the path where moments before he had been standing .
23 The moon , I thought briefly , had come down from the sky and was dancing about in the wood not far ahead .
24 Eye-witness Maureen Darwin , who was waiting to board one of the US-bound jumbos , said : ‘ It was as if a giant unseen hand had come down from the heavens and just lifted the planes up and across the tarmac .
25 The inspiration for the first stones seems to come less from the East than from Bronze-age pieces found and imitated .
26 But we had to choose , early on , which side we belonged to , and children have to come down on the side that brings the food home and gets it on the table .
27 Meantime , he reminded himself , since the entire company was now assembled , he had better be about sending off Father Boniface 's errand-boy to find Aldhelm at Upton among his sheep , and ask him to come down to the abbey when his work for the day was over , and pick out his shadowy Benedictine from among a number now complete .
28 To get off my frustration I used to come down to the track and run it out .
29 do n't go in Charlotte 's bedroom , alright , alright , they might have to come down in a minute if you want to go up , ah ?
30 You part of the horn , you dredged them up , cos you used t the only thing we saw taken out , then this old fella used to come down from the Museum or whatever he was and he used to be pleased he 'd stay there all day and pick up them all .
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