Example sentences of "come [prep] the same [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , both the Fisher and Cambridge versions of the quantity theory come to the same important conclusion : that an increase in the money supply leads directly to an increase in spending and , with full employment , the general price level is proportional to the quantity of money in circulation .
2 Blake suspected that he was not the first person who had asked himself that question or had come to the same irrational conclusion .
3 So many of them were interrelated or came from the same Sardinian village that all of them , with or without a record , could usually tell him something if they would .
4 In a dream a tall thin priest informed him that the two pieces came from the same votive cylinder and had been cut in two to make earrings for a statue of the god Ninib .
5 Gregory came from the same aristocratic milieu as Sidonius and his followers .
6 In the course of the 1970s various ‘ summary ’ analyses of large numbers of ‘ effectiveness ’ studies — Lipton , Martinson and Wilks ( 1975 ) and Brody ( 1976 ) being perhaps the best known — came to the same negative conclusion .
7 Do not means come under the same moral scrutiny as ends ?
8 We can tell that the primary visual areas in rats and monkeys come from the same primordial tissue in the embryonic nervous system , but this is n't surprising since all of the cortex arises from this same region .
9 Santa Cruz Open Server Network System comes with the same basic system and networking components , but loses the graphical interface and Microsoft emulation technologies .
10 SCO Open Server Network System comes with the same basic system and networking components , but loses the graphical interface and Microsoft emulation technologies .
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