Example sentences of "come [prep] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It had sounded to him as if the shot had come from somewhere near the pools .
2 On April 10th in the year nineteen hundred and eighty five — the legions again marched on Royal Bath — well , fifty of us by coach , car and rail — we had come from all over the country to join a contingent of local enthusiasts like lambs to the slaughter at Bath University for the Medau Easter Course .
3 ‘ Want you to come in lower down the batting order . ’
4 and people were to come in here on the Tuesday .
5 Buyers used to come from all over the world until the export ban .
6 It seemed like when I heard a saxophone player like Sonny Rollins the sound seemed to come from all over the place — it did n't come from this one little spot .
7 Trick or treat , which is an American idea , which seems to have come er come over here over the past , ooh I do n't know , five tens years has n't it really ?
8 He had come to quite like the outfit .
9 She 's promised to come over here in the spring .
10 I think we came off best at the end !
11 They came in right at the end of the period I spent working there I never owned one myself — although I 'd sometimes wear one in the shop I thought they were stupid .
12 His hissed order came from just beyond the stern .
13 Mr Hayes said : ‘ We thought of the idea because he came from just up the road from the school and was later brought up and schooled at Great Ayton . ’
14 ‘ If you came from just down the road it would make no difference .
15 For this was something which came from right outside the audience 's experience or expectations .
16 Voices came from somewhere at the back — probably the kitchen : families seem to favour the kitchen as an assembly point in times of crisis .
17 It was just after we got married , , and he was a Lancashire lad , he came from somewhere of the suburbs of Manchester , I 've forgotten whereabouts he was
18 The family came from somewhere in the West Country .
19 They came from all over the country to show their displeasure .
20 Contributions came from all over the United Kingdom .
21 Lustful travellers came from all over the world to watch him dance , naked except for a silk cap atop his curls .
22 A lot of people came from all over the world here , and that makes it absolutely different from any other country .
23 And after thirty-five years with the Duke she had hundreds of pieces , which came from all over the world .
24 On the contrary , I found it fairly positive to announce that complaints were down to one ( now doubled ) ; that in recession 1,266 entries were judged ; that entries came from all over the world ; that the system had changed in direct response to comments made by members .
25 Speakers came from all over the world thanks to new and generous sponsorship from British Airways .
26 The Wellington crews who were trained here came from all over the world .
27 The gypsies gathered at the horse fair came from all over the place so he could be anywhere after that .
28 The census returns show that when people left London they usually moved only short distances but that migrants into London came from all over the place .
29 In Massachusetts the contest to select the Democrat candidate to contest the governorship was resolved when John Silber , the caustic president of Boston University and a political maverick , came from behind in the polls to defeat Francis X. Bellotti , a former state attorney general and a mainstay of the Democrat establishment .
30 It came at once in the form of none other than the mighty Lord 's Prayer ; but it was n't until I got to the line about daily bread that I saw the light — I had n't given her any !
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