Example sentences of "come [prep] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They stayed mainly in the front room where there were rugs on a black-flagged floor that made it wonderfully cool to come into from the burning heat of the headland .
2 At the time , the proposal was plausible although , of course , it still ducked the issue of where the spores had come from in the first place .
3 Finance has always been a headache for a group whose adherents have often come from amongst the poorest strata of society .
4 These have just come in in the last year .
5 These are believed to come from beyond the Solar system , i.e. from interstellar space , the space between the stars .
6 Erm coming in from er on the A six one two from , er we 've come to over the level crossing there .
7 Goals via the through ball are always hard to come by at the highest level because of the quality of defenders and the sweeper system .
8 came as in the Christian community would say a wolf in sheep clothing .
9 I do n't know I do n't know who Mr is referring to er Chair , but I presume you wish me to reply to some comments that came from across the other side of the room .
10 Muted sounds , and , once , a cry of pain , came from behind the closed doors that led off it on either side .
11 He walked to Newlyn , where the paintings and the pilchards came from in the old days , and returned along the sea-front with the street-lamps struggling against the great plain of darkness that was the sea .
12 Eighteen of the votes against came from among the 23 deputies representing the Moslem Brotherhood .
13 Some of them even came from within the nuclear fold , concerned that the truth should be told from the inside out .
14 And erm I ca I came to in the first place because it was the best teaching hospital in the Midlands at that time .
15 But I think I would have become more comfortable with myself anyway — it 's just the times catching up with me , my success , and feeling better about myself all came at about the same time . ’
16 There was a strange rasping noise coming from over the next rise .
17 Muldoon rose immediately from his enormous black leather chair to greet him , coming from behind the vast desk with hand outstretched .
18 I think it 's clear that the money 's coming from from the local parties .
19 I can remember coming to in the intensive care unit at the National Heart .
20 No , well it 's the filter goes when there 's traffic coming across from the other side .
21 Where does the money come from at the other hospitals in our area , the two special nurses at Northallerton and Bishop Auckland and the three at Middlesbrough General with a fourth starting in April ?
22 This showed that the radiation must come from beyond the Solar System , and even from beyond the galaxy , as otherwise it would vary as the movement of Earth pointed the detector in different directions .
23 If crime is learned from others ( as differential association proposes ) where did it come from in the first place ?
24 The answer , quantum theory tells us , is that the particles do not come from within the black hole , but from the " empty " space just outside the black hole 's event horizon !
25 Jones is expressing three central and fundamentally related features of Idealist ethics : the idea of service ; the acceptance of one 's position in society and a willingness to perform allotted tasks to the best of one 's ability ; and the belief that morality can not be imposed by external forces , but that it must come from within the individual personality .
26 Now let's , what d what does that lot come to on the left hand side ?
27 Before we talk about the er er getting to the purpose of our meeting , erm , how long were you , how did you come to in the first place ?
28 Rich hauls of lead weights also come from beneath the matted seaweed that grows at the foot of harbour walls and breakwaters .
29 And , as I stressed earlier , the props for such beliefs come from within the black community : black kids tell each other stories about how difficult it is to get a decent job if you are black and , in a self-fulfilling way , it does becomes difficult .
30 Perhaps they arise because the government does not recognize the true costs of its new policies , or perhaps because of a resistance to making a particular policy effective which comes from within the central government machine .
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