Example sentences of "come down from the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her spirits had come down from the heights to the abyss .
2 One by one , the men came down from the top of the rock , and sat with their arms around each other , out of the wind .
3 The barges used to come down the Leeds and Liverpool canal right down to Tate and Lyle 's , where they had chutes that came down from the building into the barges and the coal was sucked up because the coal was very fine ; and the poor people there — they 'd be on the other side of the canal and one would perhaps get on a barge and throw two or three pieces of coal and then scamper up .
4 At Teheran airport they came down from the plane with Koreans in their hands .
5 It was as if Moses came down from the mountain with the Ten Commandments to find Christ and the disciples standing in the crowd .
6 George MacDonald saw the people from Strathnaver arriving at the sea : ‘ When they came down from the Strath to the sea-shore they suffered very much from want of houses .
7 In her plain blue suit she came down from the Clubhouse with two of the owners who seemed to want to be near the horses at ground level .
8 As Roberto was coming down from the top of his back-swing , the spectators leaned forward on to the fencing causing a crack like thunder .
9 Erm that erm about erm me father coming down from the top of the ah ah well , this was January the thirty first , nineteen hundred and sixteen and er me father had been up to look after the horses , pigs etc you know , and about eight o'clock he came back and said to my mother that there was a big fire out at Wensbury Me mother and all of us went up there , and er we could see these blazing buildings over there , and er mother immediately said that 's no fire , that 's the Zeppelin 's , and er that 's what it turned out to be , of course .
10 Since the entire political strategy of his Democratic Leadership Council has been to persuade white folks that the Democratic Party no longer cares for ‘ minorities ’ and will target no particular money in their direction , Clinton has been predictably low on concrete ideas , coming down from the hills after the battle to suffocate the wounded with great cushions of blather about how ‘ we ’ have ‘ refused to confront our differences ’ and ‘ for this neglect we have all paid ’ .
11 He rang off , and it was only minutes before they heard the chug of the engine of his jeep coming down from the hills in the still of the morning .
12 The ‘ Glamaig Water ’ etching is in fact the Allt Daraich coming down from the corrie to the south of Glamaig and there I found one of the most reassuring sights of the Rambles .
13 Even as I write , my heart is being ‘ roasted ’ because of the pounding music beat coming down from the flat above me .
14 He told us on more than one occasion that he could not himself contemplate coming down from the House of Lords and denuding it of himself as well as its leader .
15 ‘ I have seen it come down from the sky with a noise like thunder , and I have seen within it the bodies of those who were Too Late ! ’
16 Some of the older blokes , they come out , and they started fighting as well ! ( laughter ) One bloke come down from the flats with just a pair of trousers and a vest on and he started having a go !
17 Spider monkeys originate from South America and rarely come down from the trees in their wild state .
18 The Khmer Rouge also comes down from the north through Preah Vihear to Kompong Thom , Kratie and Kompong Cham .
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