Example sentences of "come down from [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A lot of flood water had come down from the upper reaches of the Cherwell , and a body placed in the river , say , at Lonsdale Road …
2 How this name originated I have no idea , but I do know that it has been around for many generations for a jingle about this name has come down from the 19th century and it went : " Old Cribb , Young Cribb and Young Cribbs Son , if it had n't a been for Old Cribb there would n't have been none " .
3 Either a spark had come down from the old fellow 's hole up there or him with hobnail boots had trod on er black powder and set it off and his hole went out underneath his feet .
4 He needed to come down from a greater height than most .
5 Most of the groceries came down from a grand shop in London but she 'd order perishable goods from her brother and then send a servant to complain of the quality .
6 When the clock struck , the preacher came down from a little room behind the platform , followed by ten or a dozen men who looked like prosperous City merchants .
7 She might have sat all afternoon , nibbling and stuporous , exhausted but not sleepy ; but the glazier finally came down from the upper floor , cheerfully announcing that all was now right and tight and he would be on his way .
8 My talk with Quintin had more content since he said that if another peer came down from the Upper House he would withdraw from public life whether he was in the Upper or Lower House .
9 The smells that came down from the higher ground might tell him something .
10 Thousands of imported sheep had left their devastating mark and the latest ‘ crop ’ , the deer , finished off any saplings the sheep might have missed when they came down from the high tops in the winter .
11 When he reached the top , he stopped on the landing for a moment to allow his eyes to adjust ; there was illumination of a kind , coming down from a grimy skylight set into the angled ceiling , and it showed nothing much more than three old-fashioned doors and a bare wooden floor .
12 The Macaber , the hooded , skeletal apparition , coming down from the Black Tower to dance amongst the plague-ridden townships of the Middle Ages , leading them in the dread danse macabre , forcing them to dance with him until they dropped …
13 We passed like wraiths gripping our anoraks against a colder night wind coming down from the deep indigo silhouetted mountains .
14 From his new station he could see the three lakes — Loweswater , Crummock Water and Buttermere — lined up in the valley like three barges ready to be towed down to the shore ; he could see the bivouac huts of some woodmen and he spotted more than one flock coming down from the high pastures — but Mary chided him .
15 Two streams come down from a hilly hinterland and after a sedate infancy suddenly leap in a happy frolic through verdant surroundings to reach the village where they converge as the River Greta .
16 come down from the actual job
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