Example sentences of "come to the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm by saying it 's a priority we 're not saying it 's our only priority , we have a number of priorities and it 's it 's up to us to in debate with the housing corporation er , to come to the best agreements for Harlow .
2 It had to come to the nightly struggle with the big glass , like the struggle with Proteus , who must be held no matter what form he takes , bull , bear , fox , fire , water .
3 It was some relief to come to the Bolivian town of Copacabana with its huge white cathedral .
4 Normally , patients will continue to come to the nursing station for periodic assessment during the first ten days of treatment but already by the second day they attend lectures and individual and group counselling sessions .
5 We may forever want confidence that we have come to the ultimate facts about some physical process .
6 ‘ We 've come to the best club in the country and won .
7 ‘ We 've come to the best club in the country and won .
8 It was the closest we had come to the outside world in nearly four months yet they were responsible for the oil which glossed the harbour and had killed the coral .
9 Even if you are only seeing a few people there should be someone to greet them on arrival and make them feel they have come to the right place on the right day .
10 Another day of dreadful toil had come to the industrial ghettos of early Victorian Glasgow , a world often forgotten and ignored , a world echoed throughout Britain where families lived and died bounded by a few streets , walled from the world of green and life by an invisible fence , a dead hand that bound them in chains of language , and rags , and marked them for life more surely than any thief was ever branded at Glasgow Cross .
11 The eyes of his beloved wife , are tear-reddened ( sic ) and she has come to the awful realisation of a gap in her waning life which will never be filled .
12 Wdowczyk , after only four competitive matches , looks one of the best players to have come to the Premier Division in years .
13 For the past two years The Fellow , who is half a thoroughbred , half trotter , has come to the final fence with Europe 's classic steeplechase seemingly won , only to lose it by a whisker on the run-in .
14 Following by instinct , following the trail of mind and memory that he had left , she had surely and with great purpose come to the final place of Harry 's death
15 It seems that he would have come to the same conclusion regarding the implication of such control .
16 It is Possible that she might have come to the big city on her own .
17 The matter has now come to the High Court for an Order that this is the position and the High Court has ruled that companies and directors are entitled to set off deposits they held at BCCI against company overdrafts ( see Financial Times , 28/29 November 1992 ) .
18 He had come to the banqueting hall in order to have a look at the river from the roof ; the river had risen and widened so much that the entire countryside seemed to be sliding past and one felt as if one were standing on the deck of a ship .
19 Jane Melvin came to the New Inn at Pembridge in Herefordshire in 1984 , and turned it into one of the most popular country pubs in the county .
20 One actress Lizzie Bancroft came to the final rehearsal with a two week old baby .
21 Oh So Risky , who ran away with the Triumph Hurdle — the crown for four-year-olds — at the 1991 Festival , came to the final flight in last year 's Champion Hurdle with the race apparently won , and Sheikh Mohammed 's Royal Gait had to bash two others aside to finally get to David Elsworth 's five-year-old in a photo finish .
22 came unto the workmen and beat and terrified them , threatening to kill them , if they would not leave their work , threw some of them in the river and kept them under water with long poles , and at several other times , upon the Knelling of a Bell , came to the said works in riotous and warlike manner , divided themselves into companies , to take the workmen and filled up the ditches and drains , made to carry away the water , burned up the working tools and other materials of the Relator and his workmen , and set up poles in the form of gallows , to terrifie the workmen and threatened to break their arms and legs , and beat and hurt many of them and made others flee away , whom they pursued to a town with such terror and threats , that they were forced to guard the town .
23 And they still came to the famous dinners at his house , where the food , and the music , and the conversation were the best in London .
24 ‘ I had to be in charge , ’ he later said , ‘ when it came to the actual making of the films .
25 Sammy Davis Jnr also came to the fore thanks to Sinatra .
26 In my judgment , both Potts J. and Phillips J. came to the right conclusions for the right reasons .
27 Sleep came to the distant noise of a ship 's siren , blown once , but echoing , a long way off .
28 When it came to the major events in the life of that other world outside Baldersdale , such as Christmas , the celebrations were muted , to say the least .
29 Sadi Carnot came to the second law of thermodynamics from pondering on the efficiency of an abstract and idealized engine ; and Helmholtz came to the first from considering simple mechanical devices such as trip-hammers driven by water-wheels .
30 By the time they came to the sharp bend at Borlick they had caught up with the McCulloch family , old Donald limping and muttering to himself , Donald hand in hand with Jean , Mary and her friend big Mary striding on ahead , their arms pulled down by heavy baskets of pies and eggs .
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