Example sentences of "my [noun sg] [prep] the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With every nerve on edge and my heart pumping I put my foot on the first stair .
2 Enjoying the irony of it , and actually quite pleased to discover that Ryan had n't turned over a new leaf after all , she continued smoothly , ‘ And might I remind you , Ryan , that it was my money in the first place , not yours ?
3 I was taken from the cellar in Beirut and enjoyed the warmth of the sun on my skin for the first time in a thousand days .
4 Dacourt looked at me under lowered brows as if recognising my existence for the first time .
5 The voices of Surkov and Rozanov on tape , played over and over in my study in the first year or so after our meeting , had brought their living presence to me ; but later , as those tapes were discarded in favour of over-scrawled typewritten pages , Surkov and Rozanov increasingly became characters under my control , their improvisations almost lost under the refinements of a thousand and one nights ( and days ) of my own labour .
6 My result in the afternoon race was the worst of the event as I dwelt over my fate up the first beat .
7 My right to the first move at chess carries with it the duty to continue with the game , and so on .
8 ‘ Before the fight they were chanting my name for the first time and I could see the effect it had on Ruddock , his head was going down while my chest was swelling with pride .
9 ‘ During one practice session , ’ writes Iain , ‘ I perpetrated the highest , latest and crudest tackle of my life on the first XI 's star player , a footballer of considerable skill .
10 From continually chasing my tail in the first month and being late for everything , and always being in trouble in varying degrees , punctuality became second nature .
11 My answer to the first part of his question is that in the few weeks that I have had my present portfolio , two or three times in public I have stated my firm belief that it is in the interests of the people of Northern Ireland , the police and the security forces — indeed , in the interests of all of us — that the law be applied even-handedly and that those responsible for applying the law should do so .
12 It was on that occasion — in the strangely bare study of Darlington Hall — that Mr Farraday shook my hand for the first time , but by then we were hardly strangers to each other ; quite aside from the matter of the staff , my new employer in several other instances had had occasion to call upon such qualities as it may be my good fortune to possess and found them to be , I would venture , dependable .
13 A , you might not want to come and join my company in the first place
14 I think it is , and therefore my judgment on the first demurrer is for the plaintiff .
15 ‘ I told 'im 'e was a no-good whoreson an' 'e should n't 'ave wasted my time in the first place , ’ Billy replied , his blue eyes blazing at the memory of it .
16 That 's how I got interested in the sport : I read about the first black champion , Jack Johnson and it created my interest for the first time .
17 " Alone , " she told my mother on the first night .
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