Example sentences of "think [pron] would [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I did not think I would stay with the band forever .
2 Because if if you took the the ideas of Freud 's seriously , and a lot of people who work with groups , the therapeutic groups claim to , do you think you would come to the same conclusion as Heather , I mean c could you have for example a , a psychotherapeutic group could you do group psychotherapy ?
3 ‘ I 'd have thought you 'd jump at the chance to have a second shot at the man . ’
4 I should think they 'd jump at the chance of some pocket money . ’
5 The editor had kindly accepted an article I had written about West Indian gospel music , so I thought I would go to the head office and introduce myself .
6 I thought I would die at the start but , actually , once I got into the swing of it all it was rather fun . ’
7 ‘ I thought I 'd sit in the garden , ’ said Betty .
8 After a while I thought I 'd go into the orchard and practise some chip shots so I went to get my nine iron .
9 When I 'd finished I thought I 'd go to the living room to curl up by the gas fire .
10 Thought I 'd bring round the little brown envelope — for the guttering and that . ’
11 I just thought I 'd watch for the , you know I think it 's on every erm it 's on every da , ways you know Hawaii Five O is showing the old things again .
12 He had n't suggested the film might not come out although she could n't have had time to develop it yet and she was n't working through a ‘ friend ’ sent round to sympathise with him deplore the whole thing and assure him it could be stopped if he 'd only tell that terrible woman one little thing … ’ — And since I 'm not married or anything I thought I 'd stick to the personal angle .
13 and I 've got three phone numbers to ring but I thought I 'd wait till the end of the week until I 'm about eleven and a half
14 And when she could speak again , she said , ‘ I thought you 'd come about the pigeons !
15 She thought she would pray to the power in the mountain to stop the pain , and her lips moved to begin her entreaty ; Ariel bent to her to catch what she said .
16 However , when Dolly Howard thought she would peep through the curtains to see how her father was reacting to the nudes she found that she was the one who was shocked .
17 She thought she would fall to the floor , or faint , standing there at the mercy of his ravishing mouth , and perhaps he sensed something of her helplessness , because he raised his head again almost immediately .
18 The two suitcases represented everything she thought she would need for the next seven months at the Hamiltons ' , and it seemed like an odd way to be taking what might be a big step in her life .
19 Sally burst into such a fit of giggling , Jess thought she 'd explode from the tight lacings of her bodice .
20 But a leading member of his Cabinet revealed the panic in the Tory leadership by admitting : ‘ We thought we would lose throughout the day . ’
21 So we thought we 'd riffle through the rails of leading dancewear manufacturers to find something a shade more exciting than saggy tracksuit bottoms .
22 So we thought we 'd walk to the next stop , and then we see this bag on the floor .
23 Table 13 outlines the actions farmers thought they would take in the event of political or economic change leading to a drop in farm returns .
24 Busacher rather thought they would rub through the next few days without an open revolt from Gesner .
25 Sometimes , it thought it would choke under the oppressive weight of fact .
26 Indeed one of the main arguments against the televising of Parliament was that it would damage the way the House works , although some thought it would change for the better .
27 The reorganization was recommended by an engineer in the pages of a leading Petrograd journal , since he thought it would lead to the dissemination of experts .
28 Molly thought it would do in the morning , and then she said , ‘ Was it Mr Kettering who left the dog with you ? ’
29 ‘ You 'd think he 'd come for the Christmas or even write but never a word , no thought for anybody except himself , ’ and it cast a deep shadow when they tried to imagine what kind of space enclosed Luke in England during the same hour , but they were n't able to imagine it .
30 You 're too big now , more 's the pity — and , in any case , I do n't think it would answer at the moment . ’
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