Example sentences of "well [subord] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the preceding birth interval is five ( in some cases even four ) years or longer , the chances of surviving infancy become poorer again , though considerably better than in the case of short spaced infants ( less than two years ) .
2 That has now changed Eastern arts no longer support the gallery now one obvious reason for that is the gallery started so well because of the enthusiasm from a number of professional people who came along and gave their advice and much of their time and such a body of people has not been called upon for a number of years now and once again a request to discuss this with Mr was refused .
3 The prophet Habbakuk expressed this truth very well when under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he wrote concerning God ‘ Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil and canst not look on iniquity . ’
4 The schools were blamed for this and new courses — such as TVEI ( Technical and Vocational Educational Initiative ) and CPVE ( Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education ) — were introduced into schools themselves as well as into the gap between school and work .
5 His chanting put fear into the hearts of the listening families as well as into the mind of the old and dying man who was his father .
6 The effectiveness of that is not just to make Ransom 's struggle real , but also to demonstrate the metaphysical excitement of all moral choices , on the silent planet as well as beyond the music of the spheres .
7 The milder range in fact serves not to challenge but to define the limits of propriety ; they set a horizon beyond which " improper " linguistic use will not go , and the audience can laugh with relief at the reassurance that they will not be shocked , as well as at the impudence of these terms .
8 At each stage — prior to drafting as well as at the end of each stage of drafting — teachers confer with pupils .
9 The entry of the TNCs , therefore , has had effects on the sexual division of labour as well as on the division of labour in general ( see Brydon and Chant , 1989 , ch.7 ) .
10 Sound recording enabled us to repeat musical and other aural experiences , with profound effects upon the musical profession as well as on the range of cultural opportunity open to the ordinary person .
11 The rate of profit depends on the output-capital ratio as well as on the share of profits ( chapter 8 ) .
12 The impact speed depends on the mass of the planet as well as on the orbit of the body .
13 Perhaps it would be wiser to concentrate research on the development of non-invasive biological markers to distinguish rapidly progressive from slowly progressive tumours as well as on the development of less invasive ( for example , endocrine ) treatment .
14 The reliability of the valuation necessarily depends on the reliability of the underlying information as well as on the skill of the valuer .
15 Throughout the world we can see how the engineering , interventionist model of Western medicine has had a major influence on definitions and explanations about health , as well as on the organisation of health services and the utilisation of resources .
16 He called on the industry to balance the debate by pointing out that mining contributed to economic development , and that " morality is on the side of development as well as on the side of those who care for the environment " .
17 The focus is on relationships among European countries as well as on the relation between Europe and the outside world , particularly the US .
18 Much will depend on the legal knowledge and ingenuity of counsel and the court , as well as on the readiness of the court to take a liberal view .
19 The research is concerned with both the trappings of formal organisation structures as well as with the substance of how these are actually managed to achieve specific results .
20 There is no conception in Adorno of listeners coproducing musical meaning directly , at the moment of creation ; clearly this has to do with his undervaluing of performance and overvaluing of the written score , as well as with the centrality in his thinking of a relatively narrow , homogeneous musical culture , in which variations in musical interpretation were not significant .
21 Contact with the melancholy sensibility and radicalism of Gleyre , as well as with the work of French realist painters , led Wallis to paint his masterpiece ‘ The Stonebreaker ’ ( Birmingham City Art Gallery ) , though his direct inspiration was Carlyle 's Sartor Resartus .
22 If it is a first baby , then both mother and father are inexperienced and are learning how to cope with the demands of the new infant as well as with the disruption in their own lives .
23 Their powers were laid down by the old Lunacy and Mental Deficiency Acts , which were concerned with the definition , ascertainment and committal of mentally disordered persons as well as with the administration of the services .
24 Shell thickness varies greatly within species and calorific values vary with the size , age , and reproductive state of the prey as well as with the season of the year .
25 His aim in this and other speeches was not to indicate his solution to the crisis ( although that was often how his words were heard ) but to make an emotional connection with each of the major parties to the conflict ( the settlers , the Muslims , and the army ) as well as with the population at home .
26 This involves , among other things , comparing the level of debt with operating profits as well as with the value of the assets .
27 Today , with the designation ‘ moving headland ’ , Spurn Head is scheduled a Site of Special Scientific Interest , worthy of special treatment for its geophysical characteristics as well as for the diversity of its flora and fauna and its value to migratory birds .
28 Do n't forget that customers can be defined for each lower-order element of the model , as well as for the system as a whole .
29 Analysis of mice carrying mutant T-cell antigen receptor ( TCR ) genes indicates that TCR- β gene rearrangement or expression is critical for the differentiation of CD4 - CD8 - thymocytes to CD4 + CD8 + thymocytes , as well as for the expansion of the pool of CD4 + CD8 + cells .
30 Husbands were equally exempt from liability under section 3(1) as well as for the offence of administering drugs to a woman with intent to stupefy her and enable a man to have sexual intercourse with her .
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